




1.美丽回忆布朗尼蛋糕,然后挑了教堂要用的音乐,顺便把两百张《美丽回忆》(Beautiful Memories)的CD给烧掉。

2.美丽的回忆 ... Pretty bad woman 美丽的坏女人 Beautiful memories 美丽的回忆 Beautiful future 美丽的将来 ...


1.My children got on the train without many luggage, if I can put the beautiful memories in their baggage, I will be so happy.我的孩子们上车时没有什么行李,如果我能在他们的行囊中留下美好的回忆,我会感到幸福。

2.Well, from now on, I shall mark this place lots and lots of beautiful memories! Welcome you to my home, anytime!从此,我就会在这里留下很多很多的印记--占地盘!欢迎你随时来做客!

3.In the wind and rain aroused the bud, the beautiful memories extends the next spring.在风吹雨打中唤醒记忆的萌芽,将美丽延伸到下一个春天。

4.Your pfe is a book, don't jump to the end to see if it's worth reading. Just enjoy pfe and fill those pages with beautiful memories.生活就是一本书,不要急于翻到最后看值不值得读,享受生活让美好的记忆填满每一页就好。

5.May be able to say that I smile and they are the most real to exchange those beautiful memories.也许可以这么说,我用最真的微笑和他们去交换那些美丽的回忆。

6.a sweet smile when we face to face, those beautiful memories are enough to make us happy even though we not know each other.在碰面时,一个温馨的微笑。也许我们都素不相识,可是,就是这些美好的画面编制了我们生活的美妙。

7.Although, all the happy time has gone, but I just couldn't forget forever. It brings me a lot of beautiful memories.虽然现在那些单纯美好的时光都已经过去,可是我永远也忘不了,它给我代来的美丽回忆。

8.and the song is so beautiful "Memories pght the corners of my mind, Misty water-colored memories of the way we were. . . "还有那首歌太好听了。回忆,照亮了我内心的角落。那些朦胧如水彩般的我们过去的回忆…

9.It is a red-letter occasion, a night for gourmet cuisine, champagne and making beautiful memories in the company of special people.这是一个喜庆的日子,在香槟与美食的陪伴下,与特别的人编织一段美好的回忆。

10.Sweet days, beautiful memories, and what a great love I personally took. . . Since the day I announced you, my destiny. . .从那天我宣布你就是我的宿命时起,在我个人看来,那些日子是多么甜美回忆,多么了不起的爱情啊…