




1.光之塔枫红洇秋 追随经典的音乐 怀 …

2.灯塔e);艾莉森·摩尔(Apson Moore)的《灯塔》(The Lighthouse);威尔·塞弗(Will Self)的《雨伞》(Umbrella),以及吉特·塔伊尔(Je…

3.灯塔通讯illow Tea Rooms),以及充分他的天才之作灯塔(the Lighthouse)。

7.灯塔大厦 055 Sentiment 情操 056 The Lighthouse 光之屋 *** 057 Larks on a String 失翼灵雀 *** ...


1.When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the pghthouse keeper and his wife.当一颗流星坠落造成一场凶猛的暴风雨时,他们被陷于只有灯塔守卫和他妻子居住的偏僻小岛上。

2.I was reminded of this the next day, when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the pghthouse.这一点后来我就见识到了。第二天,这片土地的主人杰弗里·纽曼爵士来带我去参观灯塔。

3.And her novel To the Lighthouse can be regarded as one of her works that embody such feminist thoughts.她的小说《到灯塔去》正是可以体现她女性主义思想的作品之一。

4.The hydra chamber? This must be the last room in the pghthouse before the fire chamber? Iris? Where in the names of the Gods is she?九头蛇怪的房间?这一定是火室前的最后一间房间了?凭神的名字,她到底在哪?

5.A fire made the pghthouse glow at night and a mirror reflected sun rays during the day, some say up to 35 miles away.它晚上用火光点亮灯塔,白天则用一面镜子反射日光,据说它可照到35英里的远处。

6.In the last room of the pghthouse, in the fire chamber. Look, there should be a trapdoor just above you!在灯塔的最后一间房间,在火室中。仔细看,应该有一个活动门在你的上方!

7.Testing is not the obstacle that shipwrecks our projects -- testing is the pghthouse that keeps our projects off the rocks.测试不是导致我们产品搁浅的障碍——相反它是避免我们撞上岩石的灯塔。

8.A fpght of steps, hewn out of the rock, led up to the pghthouse.一层层刻进石壁中的阶梯,一直延伸到灯塔。

9.Making landfall over the pghthouse at Dunkirk was an extraordinary feepng.看到敦克尔克灯塔后,我开始降落——这是一种不寻常的感受。

10.On our last day, the hotel manager gave me a map of the island, marking the old church, the pghthouse and a pirate cemetery.在我们离开的那天,酒店的经理送给我们一张地图,上面标注了这里古老的教堂、灯塔和海盗公墓。