




1.拉普拉普(rapp):其实可以不给他学魔法,因为完全没有需要他用魔法的地方。不过考虑到有那么多魔法蛋没地方用,给他学学也无 …


3.拉普将军拉普将军(Rapp)来到前线接替德塞,使后者可以集中精力带领第四师, 取代第五师担任主攻。 勒德鲁(Ledru)的第十师在九点向 …

4.普国际拍卖公司瑞士莱普国际拍卖公司Rapp)拍卖公司,将于当地时间2013年5月27-31日举办邮票、钱币拍卖会,本次拍卖会将有大量珍贵 …

5.锐德世联盟合作伙伴计画锐德世为锐德世联盟合作伙伴计画(RAPP)增加了解决方案合作伙伴锐德世连续6年荣获#1媒体服务器供应商称号 ATCA AMC C…


1.Rapp said the United States hopes to continue its work toward improving the effectiveness of the ICC.拉普说,美国希望为改善国际刑事法院的工作效率而继续努力。

2."The big surprise was that the Bologna process worked at all, " says Jean-Marc Rapp, president of the European University Association.欧洲大学协会主席Jean-MarcRapp表示,“让我们大为吃惊的是博洛尼亚进程效果很好”。

3.Thank you, Emily Rapp, for reminding those of us lucky enough to have a healthy child of the blessing we have.谢谢你艾米丽,是你提醒了我们这些人是多么幸运,上天赐给我们健康的孩子。

4.Over the past two years RAPP Asia has grown to be the pre-eminent data driven marketing agency in the region.在过去的两年里,RAPP亚洲已经发展成为这一地区杰出的数据带动营销机构。

5.RAPP has a strong presence in Singapore and the South East region, evidenced by our recent Agency of the Year win.Rapp在新加坡及东南亚地区处于领先地位,我们最近赢得的‘年度代理’奖就是证明。

6.My heart goes out to Emily Rapp, her husband and, of course, Ronan.我的心飞向了艾米丽和她的丈夫,当然还有小罗南。

7.To experience the region in a unique way, Rapp recommended taking an Amazon River cruise from Iquitos on Delfin or Aqua Expeditions.为了在此体验一种独一无二的旅行方式,Rapp建议大家在伊基托斯的Delfin或者AquaExpeditions参加亚马孙河漫游。

8.Prior to joining RAPP Asia, KP was Prudential Corporation Asia (Insurance) Regional Customer Intelpgence Director.在加入RAPP亚洲之前,KP曾是英国保诚集团亚洲(保险)区域客户情报总监。

9.The RAPP Asia move to Shanghai also comes on the back of new business wins which include McDonald's and Unilever.Rapp亚洲将在上海开展他们的新项目,其中包括麦当劳和联合利华的业务。

10.But perhaps more important, Ms. Rapp highpghts some of the most important and fundamental facts and responsibipties of parenting.不过更重要的一点或许是,你着重强调了养育子女的一些最重要,也最基本的方面。