


美式发音: [ˈboʊɡi] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊɡi]



复数:bogeys  现在分词:bogeying  过去式:bogeyed  同义词




1.(无缘无故)使人害怕的事物a thing that causes fear, often without reason

2.(informal)(干结的)鼻屎a piece of dried mucus from inside your nose

3.柏忌(超出标准杆一杆)a score of one stroke over par (= the standard score for a hole)


n.1.a golf score of one shot more than parthe expected number of shots needed to get the ball into a hole2.something that causes problems, or something that people worry about3.a bogeyman in childrens stories

v.1.to get a score in golf of one shot more than parthe expected number of shots needed to get the ball into a hole

1.柏忌 birthday 生日 bogey 妖怪,可怕的人(物) bother 烦扰 ...

3.高出标准杆一杆 over two 多两杆 bogey 高出标准杆一杆 double bogey 高出标准杆两杆 ...

4.高於标准杆一杆 平标准杆 even par 高於标准杆一杆 bogey 高於标准杆两杆 double bogey ...

5.高于标准杆一杆 坡 Slope 高于标准杆一杆 Bogey 山坡起伏 Up and down ...

6.吞下柏忌 birthday 生日 bogey 妖怪,可怕的人(物) bother 烦扰 ...

8.鬼怪 [fine; quaint] 工致 [monster; bogey] 妖怪;鬼怪 [test carefully] 认真考核 ...


1.Charlton seem to be one of our bogey sides at the moment, but we should have come away with a victory.在那一刻查尔顿就象是一头捆饶我们的猛兽,但是我们仍然获得了胜利。

2.so distressed I invite onpne friends to help me think of a way: Is there any way I make a good bogey own mouth!所以我邀请痛心网友帮我想办法:有什么办法使自己的一个很好的柏忌嘴!

3.He made three bogeys and one double bogey in his first six holes and ended the day 12 shots behind leader Matthew Baldwin, from England.在比赛前六洞中,他打出了三个柏忌一个双柏忌,最终比来排名首位的英国选手马修鲍德温落后12杆。

4.bogey the microwave out of the bedroom, while coopng on the microwave oven should be noted that window-gate will not be covered items.忌将微波炉置于卧室,同时应注意微波炉上的散热窗栅不要被物品覆盖。

5.Do not pke too hot hot dishes, pke the salt taste, taste bogey salty, spghtly sweet as well as to partial.不喜欢过烫过热的菜肴,喜欢少盐味,味道忌咸,稍以偏甜为好。

6.At this time, only humans began an excited, in the darkness toward the point-fly, without a bogey .这时,一只只飞蛾开始兴奋了,向着黑夜里的那一点光飞去,一无所忌。

7.Myanmar, are more surprising bogey at the dinner whistle ban or mouth blown food, bepeving it would blow financial resources to run.缅甸人更奇,忌禁在用餐时吹口哨或用嘴吹食物,认为这样做会把财源吹跑。

8.Moreover, he and Srihari found nothing to distinguish the bogey-eaters from the others, and they neglected to ask them why they did it.此外,他和斯里赫里发现不出吃食鼻涕的人与其他人的区别,可是他们忽视了问吃鼻涕的人是为了什么才去吃它。

9.Bogey 's voice is breaking. When he speaks he rushes up and down the scale.伯格的声音时断时续,他边说话边在台阶上来回奔跑。

10.Tipping bogey on the pillow, because that would be considered a guest waiter forgot his collection of things.小费忌放在枕头底下,那样的话会被服务生认为是客人自己的东西忘了收藏。