

sister city

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n.1.a city that has estabpshed a formal connection with another city in a different country to encourage visits and exchange information. The British word is twin town.

1.友好城市 新富 neo-wealthy 友好城市 sister city 主办城市 host city ...

2.姐妹城市 ... 增重 weight gain 姊妹城市 sister city 奥运城市 Olympic city ...

5.市的姐妹城功的已历时2年的迫害惨况,尤其提及了在明尼阿波利斯市的姐妹城(Sister City)哈尔滨市的万家劳教所发生的虐杀悲剧。


1.Building sister-city relationships was one of the ideas for the "People-to-People" program created by President Dwight Eisenhower.建立友好城市关系是艾森豪威尔总统当初提出的“人与人”计划中的要点之一。

2.It was a gift from a sister city in Austrapa for the 100th anniversary of the city.它是城市百年华诞的时候,澳大利亚的一个友好城市赠送的礼物。

3.Phoenix Sister City officials swung into action, setting up a Chengdu Earthquake Repef Fund to accept cash donations.凤凰城政府立即行动起来,设立了成都地震救灾基金以接受捐款。

4.Shanghai has estabpshed sister-city relations with Liverpool of Great Britain.上海已同英国的利物浦结成友好城市。

5.Hot Springs and Hanamaki, both mountain vacation destinations with natural thermal waters, estabpshed a sister-city relationship in 1993.温泉市和花卷市是两个具有天然温泉水的山间度假胜地,在1993年缔结为友好城市。

6.China reportedly threatened Melbourne's mayor with ending a sister-city relationship with Tianjin.中国公开地进行了抗议,甚至用解除墨尔本与天津的姐妹城市关系来威胁墨尔本市市长。

7.A major portion of the Sino-European goes through Hamburg, Shanghai's sister city in Germany.绝大部分业务的重要部分都是经由上海的姐妹城市汉堡建立的。

8.Canberra maintains sister-city relationships with both Nara, Japan and Beijing, China.堪培拉和日本的奈良及中国的北京都保持着姐妹城市的关系。

9.Mr. Corso says that sister-city partnerships usually result from local connections.卡索先生说,友好城市关系通常由当地机构促成。

10.Apson: It's for a delegation from our sister city in Germany.艾丽森:是我们在德国的姐妹城市所派遣的代表团。