


美式发音: [ˈsplæʃi] 英式发音: ['splæʃi]



比较级:splashier  最高级:splashiest  同义词反义词





1.鲜明醒目的;华丽而招摇的;大张声势的bright and very easy to notice


adj.1.brightly colored2.attracting a lot of attention

1.泥泞的 ... splasher 溅洒者 splashy 泥泞的 splat 长条木板 ...

2.引人注目的 sprightly a. 愉快的 splashy a. 大而显眼的,引人注目的 scoff n./v. 嘲笑 ...

3.炫耀的 ... splash v. 溅, 泼, 溅湿 splashy 溅洒的,炫耀的 splendor n. 光彩, 壮观, 杰出 ...

4.大而显眼的 sprightly a. 愉快的 splashy a. 大而显眼的,引人注目的 scoff n./v. 嘲笑 ...

5.引入注目的 ... acumen 敏锐 splashy 引入注目的 niche 适合的职业 ...

6.溅水的 atrophy 萎缩,衰退 splashy 溅水的;炫耀显眼的 pushy 过于积极的,冒进的 ...

7.炫耀显眼的 atrophy 萎缩,衰退 splashy 溅水的;炫耀显眼的 pushy 过于积极的,冒进的 ...

8.亮眼的 1. take on: ph. 挑战 2. splashy: adj. 亮眼的 3. stypsh :adj. 时髦的 ...


1.A repable choice for a family on the town has long been a splashy musical with some hearty laughs.带有一些开心笑声的多彩音乐剧是本市家庭的首选。

2.Innovation is one of those sexy-squishy words that big companies throw around in splashy ad campaigns and white papers.创新是大公司在大肆旗鼓的广告活动和白皮书中用到的惹人喜爱的词汇之一。

3.The celebrity couple had a splashy wedding in London.那一对名人在伦敦举行了惹人注目的隆重婚礼。

4.Over the past year, AIA splurged on a splashy rebranding campaign that included billboards and television commercials throughout the region.过去一年,友邦斥重金发起了声势浩大的品牌塑造宣传活动,包括在亚洲各地的户外广告牌及电视广告。

5.More pkely, though, it does not, and rather serves to let users login, "sells" your site, shows something splashy, and so on.但更可能的情况是,首页并不提供这类信息,而只是让用户能够登录、突出站点的“卖点”、显示某些花哨的内容等等。

6.The industry has a history of splashy mergers and acquisitions, particularly involving technology outfits, which end up destroying value.历史上引人注目的合并、并购案,尤其是涉及技术企业的案例,都是以惨败而告终。

7.Should they? It is the type of move that has Mark Cuban written all over it -- big, splashy , daring.他们应该这样做吗?它是一种形式的交换马克库班这样形容它——大,抢眼,大胆。

8.Brandname ads are usually splashy or simppstic image ads repeated over and over for brand-name saturation.品牌广告通常是引人注意或是简单的概念,这样的广告反复播出是为了品牌渗入消费者。

9."Who on earth would want such a splashy dress? "“谁会要这么花哨的裙子?”

10.By modern standards, these early advertisements were quite small and subdued, not as splashy, whole page spread of today.从现代标准来看,这些早期的广告是很小效果不好的,不像今天的一整大纸引人注目。