




1.在山脚下 67.欺骗,愚弄某人 make a fool of sb. 68.在山脚下 at the foot of the mountain 69.空军 the air force ...

2.山角下 ... 春天日出时的麦田 Field of Spring Wheat at Sunrise 山角下 At the Foot of the Mountain 柏树 Cypresses ...

3.用法 ... One leg of the chair is missing. 这椅子缺了一只脚。 用法, at the foot of the mountain, 直角三角形, leg ...

4.在山麓 ... with heavy foot 以沉重的脚步 at the foot of the mountain 在山麓 a regiment of foot 步兵团 ...


1.It wants to turn the hillside into a giant bauxite mine to feed its refinery at the foot of the mountain.万达塔想将山坡变为为它在山脚下的炼铝厂提供原料的巨型铝土矿。

2.A few moments later the waters began to churn, surging angrily now at the foot of the mountain.几个月后海水开始翻滚,汹涌的冲击山底。

3.When we fetched up in a village at the foot of the mountain every door in it was bolted.当我们到达山脚下的一个村庄时,各家各户已闩上了门。

4.There used to be a church at the foot of the mountain, around which were lots of trees.过去山脚下有一座教堂,教堂周围有大量的树木。

5.But the loss is not serious. Only the small temple at the foot of the mountain broke down by the hurricane. No one was hurt.不过,损失还不太严重,仅仅是村外山脚下那座小小的庙被台风连根端跑了,并没有伤什么人。

6.However, since the donkey had no practical use, it was left at the foot of the mountain.可是因为没有什么用处,驴就被放养在山脚下。

7.The rainbow seems to disappear at the foot of the mountain.彩虹似乎在山脚下就消失了。

8.On arriving at the foot of the mountain, we set up the tent and made a fire.一到山脚下,我们便搭起了帐蓬,生了火。

9.There used to be a temple at the foot of the mountain.在山脚下过去有一座庙。

10.Yesterday evening when the reporter arrived near the place that rescuers have vacating scene, dark look up at the foot of the mountain.昨天晚上记者赶到事发地点附近时,救援人员已经撤离现场,在山脚下往上望去一片漆黑。