




1.普世价值rst-come-first-served)是一种普世价值观(universal value),而加拿大的新移民政策竟然弃之而不顾,让后申请的人“插队”,并 …

4.世界价值经常见到的是「我们,我们」,而几乎没有「他们」和「世界价值」(Universal Value)。

5.普适价值界遗产公约》的出发点和核心精神,难道不是保护具有“普适价值”(universal value)的遗产才是最重要的吗?

6.普遍之价值三宗所修之禅观全不是一条路子,其系统自成一路,并无普遍之价值(UNIVERSAL VALUE)及不可违越之铁则性。


1.The only criterion to judge them is the universal value, dignity, independence, pberty and the true beauty of the human beings.经典的判断标准只能是全人类共通的人的价值和尊严,人的独立和自由,是全人类共通的人的真善美。

2."Confucian Analects" , one of the Four Books since Song Dynasty, has universal value and penetrating elaboration to language art.宋代已名列“四书”的《论语》具有普世价值,对语言艺术也有精辟的论述。

3.Not until it has been a kind of universal value choice, can the era theme of peace and development really comes true.只有当政治妥协成为一种普世性的价值选择时,和平与发展的时代主题才能真正实现。

4.All the truths accepted by humanity and of universal value are also attributed to consultation.所有成为全人类共识的真理,具有普世价值的真理,也都是磋商的结果。

5.Consequently every purpose, however individual it may be, is of universal value.其结果是,任何一个意图,不管会是多么个别的,都具有普遍价值。

6.Then, description and praise such a group of heroes have universal value?那么,描写和歌颂这样一群英雄好汉有没有普世价值呢?

7.The objective existence of universal value is incontestable; it is commonly viewed, global, spontaneous, contemporary and principled.普世价值的客观存在是不可否认的,其存在具有共识性、全球性、自发性、时代性和原则性等主要特点。

8.When confronting the crisis of universal value, the theory of body tried to resolve not pure local problem in west society.当全球面临普遍性的价值危机之时,身体性理论试图解决的决不仅仅是西方社会的区域性问题。

9.My humble efforts are not for creating something with the same value of this secular time, but for something deeper with universal value.我的笨拙的努力,并不是为了创造与这个世俗时代等同价值的东西,而是更为深远的具普遍价值的东西。

10.The dominant principle of gravity provides architecture with a universal value base.重力,其统治性的原则为建筑学提供了一个普适的价值基础。