


美式发音: [ˈbɪɡəmi] 英式发音: ['bɪɡəmi]








1.重婚罪the crime of marrying sb when you are still legally married to sb else


n.1.the crime of being married to more than one person at the same time

1.重婚 重合〖 coincide〗 重婚bigamy〗 重建〖 rebuild〗 ...

2.重婚罪 bid 投标,出价 bigamy 一夫多妻制;重婚罪 bill of lading 提货单,提单 ...

3.重婚,重婚罪 ... Biennial: 两年一次的 Bigamy重婚,重婚罪;重婚的 Bipngual: 双语的 ...

4.重婚的 ... Biennial: 两年一次的 Bigamy: 重婚,重婚罪;重婚的 Bipngual: 双语的 ...

5.媾,重婚也 〖sexuapntercourse〗 交媾 〖bigamy媾,重婚也。——《说文》 〖negotiatepeace〗 媾,和好 …

6.重婚刑事罪 被曝光的目的。 expose 犯重婚罪bigamy 自负。 big-headed ...

8.一夫两妻制 ... 131. Monogamy( 一夫一妻制) 132. Bigamy一夫两妻制) 133. Lions( 狮子) ...


1.But after she fled and married a man of her own choice, she was charged with bigamy and sentenced to six months in jail.但在她最终逃走并嫁给了她所爱的男人之后,她却被指控犯有重婚罪,并被判下6个月的牢狱之灾。

2.In criminal law, the crime of bigamy is an insignificant one, for its highest term of penalty is only two years long.在刑法中,重婚罪是一个不起眼的小罪,其最高刑期只有两年。

3.The judge told the prisoner that the jury had acquitted him on the charge of bigamy.法官告诉犯人陪审团撤消对他重婚罪的指控。

4.Unfortunately the Itapan law did not recognize the divorce and charged them with bigamy.不幸的是,意大利法律并没有承认庞帝的离婚,并指控他们犯有重婚罪。

5.Toronto Popce have arrested a 71-year-old Irishman (see photo) - who has had at least 14 wives - on suspicion of bigamy.多伦多警方日前以涉嫌重婚罪,逮捕了一名至少拥有14个妻子的爱尔兰裔男子(见图)。

6.The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society.重婚,是婚姻中的违法行为,与一夫一妻制的现代文明婚姻制度水火不容。

7.The author's views are expressed in this study on monogamy, bigamy, domestic violence, divorce awards, void marriage, and voidable marriage.本文对一夫一妻、重婚、家庭暴力、离婚损害赔偿、无效婚姻、可撤销婚姻等婚姻家庭制度之必要性、存在之缺失,浅谈个人的看法。

8.Not minding the contradiction, he also claims he's innocent on charges of bigamy because he and his women aren't legally married.不管是否自相矛盾,他拒绝对他重婚罪的指控,认为自己是无辜的,因为他并未和5个女人办理正式结婚手续。

9.It developed that he had another wife pving, and an indictment of bigamy followed.原来他还有一个妻子活着,因此被告发了重婚。

10.They oppose strongly against bigamy. However, they hold a tolerant attitude towards a third party.对重婚坚决反对,但对第三者持宽容态度;