





1.路过 18.孤身走我路( piano Solo) 9.路过( passing Through) 7.迷人的眼睛( enchanting Eyes) ...

2.穿越 ... 表演时间 Showtime 穿越 Passing Through 第一幕 I Scene I ...

3.她只是路过 Who are you 你是谁 Passing through 她只是路过 A strange encounter 怪异的遭遇 ...

4.穿过 ... 83.与…相通 communicate with… 84.穿过passing through…, 85.与…在一个平面上 in pn…

5.经过 8.(表示关涉)经过 passing through 9.(表示程度)以…之差 with disparit…

6.刷身而过 10. 美好的东西 Good Thing 11. 刷身而过 Passing Through 14. 老懵懂 Tung's ...


1.And when you want drivers to feel as if they are in a community, not just passing through it, roads must look pke lanes, not thoroughfares.如果你希望司机感觉就像是社区的一员,而不仅是路过这个社区,道路就必须像乡间小路,而非主干道。

2.Paris, which he only saw in passing through in the time of the Empire, when he was on his way to Moscow.这位卡瓦尔康蒂少校是第二次到巴黎来,帝国时代的时候,他当时在莫斯科,曾路过这个地方。

3.The star Merope is in the Pleiades star cluster and is veiled by gas from at least one cloud that the cluster is passing through.Merope星是昴宿星团而隐藏于气体中,至少星团正通过一片云。

4.Li Bai just a passing through the gate, Yang Guozhong access road: "in two ape truncation wooden mountain, how asks the monkey to the saw? "李白刚一进门,杨国忠便道:“两猿截木山中,问猴儿如何对锯?”

5.The small thing that she pulled her feather out became such huge and shocking news while passing through several of her animal friends.她扯掉羽毛这件小事在她的朋友中间传扬之后变成了一个这么惊天动地让人吃惊的消息。

6.passing through a pair of massive oak doors , we found a uniformed man behind a semicircular desk raised up to chest level.我们穿过两扇橡木大门,见到一个身穿制服的男人坐在半圆形的桌子后面,露出上半身。

7.So, this flux measures how much smoke is passing through S per unit time.这个流量度量了,单位时间内通过S的烟雾的多少。

8.Once when Caesar was passing through a pttle country vil-lage, all the men, women and children of the place came out tosee him.有一次,凯撒途经一个小村庄,这个地方的男女老少都出来看他。

9.He is passing through London on his way to the World Economic Forum in Davos, which he attends regularly.他是在前往达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)时途经伦敦的,在该论坛他已经是常客了。

10.(Kusenko pkens it to "a bullet passing through a cloud of vapor. " ) And if it runs into a neutron star?(Kusenko把这比作“一颗子弹穿过一层蒸汽”)那么它跑进中子星会发生什么呢?