




1.赎金 assassin 暗杀者,刺客 ransom money [法]赎款,赎金 front man n. 挂名负责人,出面人物 ...

2.赎款 assassin 暗杀者,刺客 ransom money [法]赎款,赎金 front man n. 挂名负责人,出面人物 ...


1.The serial numbers matched those of the ransom money which had been noted to make it easier to track Cooper later.钞票的序列号刚好与库帕劫机的勒索金一致,这就使得后来追踪库帕变得更容易了。

2.It is unclear how much ransom money has been paid by shipping companies to free abducted crews and seized vessels.为了使被绑架的船员恢复自由和索回掠走的船只,轮船公司具体支付了多少赎金还不清楚。

3.A few days later, the good student returned with the ransom money.几天后,善良的学生带着赎金回来了。

4.Federal investigators are copied to each of a down note, so that they master the ransom money serial numbers.联邦调查员把每一张钞票都复印了下来,这样他们就掌握了这笔赎金的序列号。

5.Relations and friends of prominent Nigerians have also been targeted by gangs seeking ransom money.尼日利亚著名人士的亲友也成了帮派组织绑架和索取赎金的目标。

6.All they wanted was the ransom money.他们要的只是赎金。

7.They are clearly using their ransom money for their benefit both personally and on behalf of their piracy.他们显然在把他们拿到的赎金用来使他们个人及其海盗行当都得到好处。

8.The teerist kdinaps Prime Minister and asks government for five milpon ransom money.恐怖分子绑架了首相,并向政府要了五百万的赎金。

9.The ransom money was confiscated by the government.赎金被政府没收。

10.It also has a history of paying ransom money.它还有交付赎款的历史。