

taxation:[英 [tækˈseɪʃn] 美 [tækˈseʃən] ]


taxation 基本解释

名词税收; 征税; 课税; 税

taxation 相关例句


1. We must increase taxation if we are to spend more money on education.


taxation 网络解释

1. 税收:在英国期间曾为英国学生讲授财务报告(FINANCIAL REPORT)、审计(AUDITING)、税收(TAXATION)等课程,撰写了多篇论文,

2. taxation

2. 税务:一年,gpa经wes评估后有3.66,税务(taxation)是会计工作的重头戏,再决定是否需要补修. 建议发邮件到留学奖学金申请里,对会计也有了国际化的需求. 于是,需要gmat,有些只接受会计专业的申请人,申请的策略就有所不同. 学校在评估申请人的条件时,


3. 课税:毛利的英文表达为Gross profit或者sales profit,指营收和产品成本(服务成本)之间的差值,这个成本不包括企业的一般管理费用(overheads)、员工的薪水(payroll)、企业的的课税(taxation)等费用.

taxation 双语例句

1. taxation

1. The real estate tax system at the present stage is established during the tax system reform of 1994, there are 12 tax categories involved mainly, including 7 tax categories regarding real estate as the taxation target directly, namely land value-added tax, urban land use tax, farmland occupancy tax, house property tax, urban house and land tax, investment orientation regulatory tax of the fixed assets and deed tax; and 5 tax categories that are closely linked with real estate, namely business tax, income tax for enterprise, individual income tax, stamp tax and urban maintenance and construction tax.


2. Joint Committee on Taxation. If passed, the so-called Technical Corrections Act of 2007 would remove the financially favourable tonnage tax option for US flag ocean carriers moving cargoes between the US mainland and Puerto Rico.

一旦这项被称作2007年技术修正法(Technical Corrections Act of 2007)的议案获得通过,将改变利用悬挂美国旗船舶从事美国大陆和波多黎各之间货物运输的承运人财政上可进行吨税选择的有利地位。

3. The taxation of coffee relative to field crops has had the unfortunate side effect of increasing soil erosion.


4. taxation的翻译

4. The measures for the taxation inspection shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation.


5. taxation

5. To what you do have to pay attention is that the Avoidance of Taxation mentioned in this paper is illegal.


6. taxation的意思

6. The format of the tax payment inspection certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.


7. Solid understanding of western accounting standards and China taxation regulations.

理解国外的会计准则和中国的税收法律、法规; 4。

8. Sale of duty-free goods shall not issue invoices, laws, regulations and the State Administration of Taxation unless otherwise stipulated.


9. taxation的解释

9. Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation.


10. Since some readers do not understand relevant provisions well and even think mistakenly that the state would resume individual income tax on stock transfer, the reporter recently paid a visit to the State Administration of Taxation.


11. However, in order to support the restructuring of China`s enterprises and push ahead the healthy development of domestic securities market, with approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued the Circular on Temporary Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax (CSZ[1994] No.040), the Circular on Temporary Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax in 1996 (CSZ[1996] No.12), and the Circular on Continuing the Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax CSZ[1998] No.


12. This course briefly introduces the law of government control and ruling on economy under socialist market conditions, including the basic theories and some special regulations, such as financial law, taxation law, banking law, anti-trust acts, anti-unfair competition act, and consumer protection law


13. taxation在线翻译

13. As the result, China's financial sector became a substitute to the taxation system in mobilizing national resources, and a substitute to public finance in allocating resources.


14. taxation是什么意思

14. However, in reality the existence of such phenomena as false invoice production, its sales and use, seriously disturb the normal economic order, spoil the national taxation, erode some people'thought and soul.



15. There exist many shortages in China's current taxation and duties, especially in Pollution discharge fees. The lack of environmental protection taxation system makes it difficult for the realization of environmental protection goal.


16. Based on the practical situation in China, the key to achieving tax compliance is the rule of law in taxation field.


17. Secondly, taxation policy should be adjusted: regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback.


18. The dissertation studies on the improvement of environmental taxation system in China.



19. Taxation system reform is an important part of the economic system reform.


20. The new system of taxation will take effect next month.


taxation 词典解释

1. 征税;课税;税制

Taxation is the system by which a government takes money from people and spends it on things such as education, health, and defence.

2. 税;税额;税款

Taxation is the amount of money that people have to pay in taxes.

e.g. The result will be higher taxation.


taxation 单语例句taxation的意思

1. Authorities hoped the new taxation policy in line with international practice could help to expand the market and fuel the business.

2. The supports from TEDA's business registration and taxation authorities allowed the rapid growth of PE funds.

3. The prosecution said the defendant opened a company that has business transaction and taxation records in July 2009.

4. Sources said that the government may reduce taxation on insurers who promote micro insurance products and offer subsidies for those buying micro insurance policies.

5. With so many big issues dominating this year's legislative season, a call for improved taxation for China's capital markets may understandably draw little attention.

6. He also said financial, fiscal and taxation measures should be employed to guide the flow of capital.

7. He says that the taxation is aimed at encouraging car owners to consume less oil and limit the environmental impact of cars.

8. We will carry forward the reform of the fiscal and taxation systems.

9. A comprehensive tax administration system has to be set up to carry out structural taxation reform.

10. The central government began to adopt special financial and taxation policies in 2006 to encourage development of alternative energy projects with subsidies and tax breaks.

taxation 英英释义


1. the imposition of taxes

the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state

2. government income due to taxation

Synonym: tax incometax revenuerevenue

3. charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government

Synonym: taxrevenue enhancement