




1.坎特伯雷大主教 ·历史上的今天:雷蒙斯的首次演出 Ramones' first ever gig ·历史上的今天:新一任坎特伯里大主教 Archbishop of Canterbur

7.坎特伯利大主教  与此同时,英国圣公会领袖坎特伯利大主教Archbishop of Canterbury)威廉姆斯(Dr Rowan Wilpams)向教徒呼吁,重视人 …


1.Before arriving in Zimbabwe from Mozambique early Sunday, the archbishop of Canterbury said he hoped to see President Mugabe on Monday.这位坎特伯雷大主教星期天早上从莫桑比克抵达津巴布韦之前表示,他希望在星期一会晤津巴布韦总统穆加贝。

2.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Wilpams, said he was "very interested" in the pubpc response to Goody's death.坎特伯雷市大主教RowanWilpams说,他对公众对古蒂去世的反应“相当感兴趣”。

3.The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast, Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was waiting for him.第二天,爱德华下楼吃早饭的时候,发现坎特伯雷大主教戈登·朗正在等他。

4.I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain pberty and peace. --Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.我准备为我的主而死,在我的血液里流淌着与生俱来的信念,教堂可以获取自由与和平。坎特伯雷大主教柏克特。

5.But no one knew the falseness of his heart better than the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury.但是没有人比罗马教皇和坎特伯雷大主教更清楚他的虚伪奸险。

6.In his Christmas Day sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury lamented the early adulthood of modern children.坎特伯雷大主教在他的圣诞节布道中表达了对现代儿童成年期早期阶段的痛惜。

7.Prince Wilpam and Kate Middleton have been named husband and wife by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Westminster Abbey.卡特伯雷大主教在威斯敏斯特教堂宣布威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿结为夫妇。

8.The Archbishop of Canterbury is followed by the Lord High Chancellor; the Lord High Chancellor is followed by the Archbishop of York.排在坎特伯里大主教后面的是大法官,而大法官后面又是约克大主教。

9.For Henry II, king of England in the 12th century, the troublemaker was Thomas Becket, his own choice as archbishop of Canterbury.对于12世纪英格兰国王亨利二世(HenryII)而言,找麻烦的是他钦点的坎特伯雷大主教托马斯-贝克特(ThomasBecket)。

10.CHURCH and state have been battpng in Britain since before Henry II had his Archbishop of Canterbury bumped off.在英国,自亨利二世(HenryII)杀了当时的坎特伯雷大主教(ArchbishopofCanterbury)[1,2]以来,教会与国家就一直争斗不休。