





1.神经纤维ical membrane)作用产生信号, 信号再神经纤微(nerve fiber)传回脑部, 由脑部来产生味道的知觉. 电子舌的构造是许多化学感测 …

3.瘙痒 心脏: sympathetic nerve 瘙痒nerve fiber 中枢: central nerve ...

4.神经元又叫-n个 个 1个 个 感受 传导 神经元又叫Nf 神经元又叫 (nerve fiber) P304图13-1 P306图13-2 图 图 1.2 N元的分类 N元的分类 (1) ...

5.神经本身2.较严重是压迫到神经本身(Nerve Fiber),以上提到的部位会感觉到麻或感觉异常,另外以下肌肉的肌力会变差,如:肱二头肌/肱桡 …


1.The investigators excluded patients with diagnosed glaucoma and looked at the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the remaining individuals.研究人员排除了被诊断出的青光眼患者,并在剩余的个体中观察视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)。

2.Elevated triglycerides correlated with the nerve fiber loss independent of disease duration, age, diabetes control or other variables.独立于病程,年龄,糖尿病控制或其他因素,高水平的甘油三酯和神经纤维缺失是相关的。

3.The retinal nerve fiber layer tends to become thinning with age.随年龄的增长,视网膜神经纤维层有变薄的趋势。

4.Difference of regenerated nerve fiber count between the two procedures was found at the distal part of nerve graft.再生神经纤维数量上的差异主要发生在移植神经的远端部分。

5.of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the cerebral cortex.指神经元或者神经冲动,源自外界并且向大脑皮层传送。

6.The musicians also had a thicker nerve-fiber tract between the hemisphere.音乐家也有较厚的神经纤维束之间半球。

7.Each one of these wraps can go around a nerve fiber 40 or 50 times, and that can take days or weeks.这个作用比较缓慢。是一个40到50次的包裹神经纤维的过程,它会持续几天或几周。

8.The major type of nerve fiber layer defect due to high intraocular pressure is diffuse atrophy.由以上结果可知,眼压高所致的网膜神经纤维层变化,以广泛性萎缩为主。

9.Gray matter are involved, white matter nerve fiber bundles, the meninges and the meningeal infiltration also found inflammatory cell. 2.灰白质均受累,脑白质神经纤维束间、脑膜和脊膜也发现炎性细胞浸润。

10.Objective To observe collateral regeneration of uninjured nerve fiber after end-to-side neurorraphy.目的观察神经端侧吻合后未受损神经纤维侧支再生的情况。