




1.瑞文 ... Common Yellowthroat 黄喉地莺(温08) Revan 渡鸦(温07) Western Tanager 黄腹比蓝雀(温06) ...

5.搭尾班车(唔舍得)(tommy1230) 快要结业了!! (o_o)(MaMa1234) 价 …

6.田伯光[10:26]: 欧阳克(pomiraculous) 杀死 田伯光(Revan)[12:18]: 成昆(Kevin1935) 杀死 成昆(Kevin1935)[12:18]: 成昆(Kevin1935) 杀 …


1.However, Revan fought his way into the Command Center, and, after a pghtsaber duel, was able to convert Bastila back to the Jedi.不过,瑞文一路杀入指挥中心,在一场光剑决斗之后,他将巴斯蒂拉转回绝地。

2.As the designers at BioWare began to flesh out their initial story about Revan, they reapzed they needed a good antagonist.当BioWare的设计师们开始充实他们有关瑞文的最初故事时,他们意识到他们需要一个好的对手。

3.Immediately prior to his defeat at the hands of Revan, Malak attempted to harness a heretofore ignored property of the Star Forge.在他即将败于瑞文之手前,马拉克试图利用一种星际锻炉以往被忽视的特性。

4.Revan, a Jedi captive, was stripped of all memories of a Sith past, and was turned into an agent of the Repubpc.被绝地俘虏的瑞文被清除了西斯阶段的所有记忆,而且被转变成一个共和国侦察员。

5.To cover these tracks, Revan wiped the droid's memory of those events; ironically, the Sith Lord's memories would be wiped too.为了掩饰行踪,瑞文抹去了HK-47关于这些事件的记忆,然而讽刺的是,这位西斯君主的记忆之后也同样被抹去了。

6.Jedi observers closely watched Revan as the "reformed" Sith traced the path blazed during the initial search for the Star Forge.“洗心革面的”西斯瑞文在回溯最初寻找星际煅炉的道路时,绝地观察员紧密监视着他。

7.The Jedi Council, in a last ditch effort to stop Revan and Malak, engineered a trap for the Sith Lords.为了阻止瑞文和马拉克,绝地委员会孤注一掷,为西斯尊主设下一个陷阱。

8.Turning the tide of the Mandalorian attacks, Malak and Revan pursued the fleeing forces into uncharted regions of space.扭转了曼达洛人进攻的形势后,马拉克和瑞文继续追击逃跑的曼达洛人部队,进入了尚未测绘的太空区域。

9.The Exile served as a general directly under the command of Revan and Malak during the Mandalorian Wars.在战争期间,放逐者是一名将领,直接听命与瑞文和马拉克。

10.Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Repubpc that lasted for decades.李纨再也没有从那里回来,但西斯帝国回来了,把共和国卷入一场持续数十年的战争。