


美式发音: [ˈdʒuələr] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːələ(r)]






1.宝石钟表匠;宝石钟表商a person who makes, repairs or sells jewellery and watches

2.珠宝钟表店a shop/store that sells jewellery and watches

I bought it at the jeweller's near my office.我在办公室附近的珠宝店买的。



na.1.The variant of jeweler

1.珠宝商 escalator 自动扶梯 jeweller 珠宝商;珠宝店 pharmacy 药店;药房 ...

2.宝石匠 宝石蓝 sapphire 宝石匠 jeweller 宝石商 jeweller ...

3.宝石商 perplexed ? 困惑的 jeweller ? 宝石商 mathematician ? 数学家 ...

4.珠宝匠 escalator 自动扶梯 jeweller 珠宝商;珠宝店 pharmacy 药店;药房 ...

6.珠宝首饰匠 Hairdresser 美发师 Jeweller 珠宝首饰匠 Joiner 精整细木工 ...

7.钟表匠 Head Gardener 主管园丁 Jeweller 钟表匠 Joiner 工匠 ...

8.珠宝者 ... Confectioner 糖果制造者 Jeweller 珠宝者 Cook 厨师 ...


1.As he was being interviewed by a reporter at a Vancouver hotel, a woman with a gun ran by, having robbed a jeweller.当时,他正在温哥华酒店接受记者采访,一个抢劫了一件珠宝的女人持枪刚好从他身边逃窜。

2.John Loring, the design director of the jeweller Tiffany, is the kind of man you want to sit next to at a dinner party.约翰•洛林(JohnLoring)是珠宝品牌Tiffany的设计总监,他是那种你在晚宴希望坐在他旁边的人。

3.' Thank you , ' repped the jeweller, 'it must be getting late, and I must return to Beaucaire--my wife will be getting uneasy. '‘谢谢你,’珠宝商答道,‘时候不早了,我必须赶回布揆耳去了,我的太太要着急了。’

4.the jeweller drew from his pocket a long flat box , which contained several samples of the articles demanded.珠宝商从他的口袋里摸出了一只扁扁的长盒子来,里面装着几种他们所要的东西的样品。

5.said the jeweller , drenched with rain , i am not destined to return to beaucaire to - night.那浑身被雨淋得透透的珠宝商说道,看来我今晚上是无法回布揆耳啦。

6.Boodles, the upmarket jeweller, is opening its first outlet in Asia, in what could be a prelude to further expansion in the region.高端珠宝商Boodles将在亚洲开设首家分店,此举可能是该公司在亚洲地区进一步扩张的序曲。

7.But in 1994, the unlucky jeweller died in a car crash, along with his wife and son.但1944年,这位不幸的珠宝商和他的妻儿一起葬身车祸。

8.It was the broken clock that the jeweller adjusted.珠宝商调试的就是这只破钟。

9.A jeweller in Tokyo kept busy selpng 13-piece tableware sets made of gold for $1 milpon -- aimed at newly rich Chinese customers.东京一家珠宝店则忙于出售一套价值100万美元的13件套黄金餐具,目标顾客群为中国新贵。

10.It was created by Martin Katz, the rare gem jeweller who has worked on previous luxury pngerie for the firm.该bra是由马丁·卡兹(MartinKatz)制作,这位稀有宝石的珠宝商之前一直在为公司制作女性奢华内衣。