




1.中国防火长城网运行,其中包括试图阻止"不适当信息"进入中国的"中国长城防火墙"(Great Firewall of China)项目,以及许多机构强制对互 …

4.中国的网上长城二,对从中国境外传入中国的网络信息,中共则是采用“中国的防火长城Great Firewall of China)”。

7.中国防火墙“中国防火墙”(Great Firewall of China)英文缩写,其命名据称找到了与“长城”即“Great Wall”相谐的读音、联想效果。英文简 …

8.中国有一个很强大的防火墙腾讯是在开放的网络环境中运营的,我们都知道中国有一个很强大的防火墙Great Firewall of China),中国的网络审查制度 …


1.The government's controls over what its citizens can see onpne is often referred to as the "Great Firewall of China. "中国政府用来控制本国公民网上浏览的手段通常让人联想到“中国国家防火墙”。

2.China already heavily filters content and blocks numerous foreign websites, a system known as the "Great Firewall of China. "中国已严重过滤了互联网内容和封锁了大量的国外网站,其中一个系统为中国超级防火墙。

3.But it shifted the onus of censoring results from Google to China's filtering system, known as the Great Firewall of China.但是这把搜索结果的审核责任从Google转到了中国的过滤系统,即中国国家防火墙。

4.The "Great Firewall of China, " a system able to block banned content from being downloaded to Chinese computers, becomes operational.《中国防火长城》开始运行。这是一款能够阻止违禁内容被下载到国内电脑上的系统。

5.AsI write this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Shanghai, behind the Great Firewall of China.当我记下这些的时候,我正呆在上海某处酒店客房里,计算机背后是互联网络安全的红墙。

6.And the Great Firewall of China seems more fearsome and impenetrable than ever.而中国的防火长城似乎空前的可怕和难以逾越。

7.LOL! Great firewall of CHina. That was so true~! and they threatened Yahoo or Google (? ) again~ They are so tight.哈哈!中国的万里长城防火墙。这些是真的哟~!他们还威胁雅虎和谷歌(是这样吧?)他们真是好严厉哟。

8.Ignoring the Great Firewall of China如何无视中国的防火墙长城