




1.第一行动 ... 回合规则( TURN ORDER) 第一行动First Play) 第二行动( Second Play) ...

2.鳏夫的房产WORK ? Widowers‘ Houses 《鳏夫的房产》(first play) 鳏夫的房产》 ) ?

3.第一名 ... contest 参赛者 first play 第一名 second play 第二名 ...

4.首映必播片段Yuran将这段视频片段,设计成了: 不能跳过的首映必播片段First Play)。


1.Mavericks spokesman Gregg Elkin, in Utah with the team Monday, said he was unsure when Wang would first play for Dallas.而小牛的发言人艾尔金周一在客场挑战爵士时声言他无法肯定王何时做处子演出。

2.She took me to my first play, she stayed up with me and watched the NCAA Final Four - we're at the party, ma!她带我去参加我的第一出戏剧,她不睡觉陪着我一起看NCAAFinalFour——我们现在就在party中了,妈妈!

3.The first play of every game, the Hawks run a pin-down for Joe.在每一场比赛结束时,球总是会在乔-约翰逊的手里。

4.His first play is thought to have been staged in the year 500 BCE, though the title of the work is unknown.虽然人们说不上他的第一部剧作的名字,但可以推测出它是在西元前500年被搬上舞台的。

5.When my first play, A Cyst for Gus, was produced at the Lyceum, he attended opening night in tails and a gas mask.我的首部戏剧《格斯的囊肿》在吕克昂剧院上演时,他身穿燕尾服,戴着防毒面具参加了首演。

6.In the first play day, Realmadrid wins easily the wave agile husband, Danzig Neet compares with it is not a rank obviously.在第一比赛日中,皇马轻取波利索夫,但泽尼特与之相比显然不是一个级别。

7.Suggest that you first play with a minimum degree of difficulty, otherwise they will be sorry!建议大家先用最低难度玩,否则会很惨!

8.Jim's first play was when he was in first grade and he played a bird.吉姆的处女秀是在一年级的时候扮演一只鸟…(嗷~)

9.s first play was when he was in first grade and he played a bird.吉姆的处女秀是在一年级的时候扮演一只鸟

10.His first play was a short, repgious play called The Boy With a Cart which he wrote in 1938.他的第一个戏剧是在1938年写的一个短篇宗教剧本——《推车的少年》。