




1.捷豹路虎商以及印度塔塔汽车(Tata Motors)旗下的捷豹路虎(Jaguar-Land Rover)等外资厂商。

2.路虎和捷豹Ford Motor Co.)就收购后者豪华车品牌路虎和捷豹(Jaguar-Land Rover)业务达成一致之后作出的。

3.积架同时,在英国雇有1万5000名员工的「积架」(Jaguar-Land Rover ),正请求英国政府伸援手,要求纾困10亿英镑(约台币49…

4.积架路华至於奇瑞自○四年结束与上汽集团的股权关系后,则主力拓展自有品牌,至近日或与积架路华Jaguar-Land Rover)与内地建 …


1.Tata promised during the Jaguar-Land Rover purchase process that none of the vehicles from either brand would be built in India.塔塔承诺在捷豹,路虎购买过程,没有任何品牌的车辆将被内置在印度。

2.The plant is now part of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), owned by Tata Motors, the car division of an Indian conglomerate.现在,该厂股东中加上了捷豹路虎的名字,捷豹路虎现为印度一巨型集团汽车部塔塔公司所有。

3.In 2007 Ford sold Aston Martin, and in 2008 the auto maker shed Jaguar Land Rover and a significant portion of its ownership in Mazda.福特2007年卖掉了阿斯顿-马丁(AstonMartin),2008年抛掉捷豹(Jaguar)和陆虎(LandRover),以及它在马自达中的很大一部分所有权。

4.It is an important strategic move for Jaguar Land Rover and will enable us to reapse our competitive potential in this significant market.这是一项重要的战略举措捷豹和陆虎将使我们能够实现我们的竞争潜力在这巨大的市场。

5.Ford then later contributed $600 milpon to Tata to cover Jaguar-Land Rover pension plans.福特之后向塔塔支付6亿美元用于捷豹和路虎的退休金计划。

6.Jaguar Land Rover reduced expenses by firing 2, 200 workers and increased sales by introducing new models.捷豹部门裁员2200人以减少开支,同时增加新车型以增进销售。

7.Jaguar Land Rover plans to increase the use of aluminum to reduce weight.捷豹陆虎公司计划在生产车子时增加铝的成份,以减轻车身重量。

8.Unions wanted a manufacturer rather than a private equity business to buy Jaguar Land Rover.工会本就希望捷豹和路虎的买主是一家制造商,而不是一家私人股本公司。

9.First in the queue for help is Jaguar Land Rover.首先要求帮助的是JaguarLandRover。

10.The following year Tata Motors bought Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)for $2. 3 bilpon.接下来的一年塔塔汽车公司又以230亿美元收购了捷豹路虎(JLR)。