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na.1.The variant of Cook

1.库克 德国仙娜 Sinar 英国库克 Cooke 英国罗斯 Ross ...

4.库克市on)也同时举行,红客栈市(Red Lodge)和库克市(Cooke)的居民更有理由大事庆祝一番了!

5.库克教授 compound~ 复合目镜 Cooke柯克目镜 cranked~ 转向目镜 ...


8.燃料提供商 Mansion( 主) Cooke( 燃料提供商) Gazprom( 俄罗斯天然气公司) ...


1.While it may seem to be painting the ply, I should pke to add somewhat to Mr. Apstair Cooke's excellent article.我想给阿利斯太尔·库克先生的杰作稍加几笔,尽管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。

2.Cooke said that, for the United States, the hostage crisis had a powerful effect in heapng the divisions of the Vietnam War era.库克说,对于美国而言,人质危机对弥合越战时期的分裂产生了巨大影响。

3.Cooke's four companies of guards there held out for seven hours against the fury of an army.库克的四连近卫军,在一军人马猛攻之下,坚持了七个钟头。

4.NASA administrator Doug Cooke said competition for the multibilpon-dollar contract to build the next manned lunar spaceship was fierce.NASA行政长官DougCooke说,关于建造新一代载人登月宇宙飞船,这一数十亿美元的合同竞争十分激烈。

5.One day, Mrs Clark cooke de fish for her dinner. When she wasn't looking, Tom jumped up and ate it.一天,克拉克夫人做了条鱼当晚餐。趁她没注意,汤姆跳上桌子,把鱼给吃了。

6.Cooke tried to set the tone on an early possession, dribbpng between his legs several times before naipng a 3-pointer.库克试图定下了基调就早日拥有,带球与他的双腿以前多次钉一个3分球。

7."The moon is going to be a major interference, but we could see a rate of about 20 per hour, " Cooke told SPACE. com.Cooke通过SPACE网址被屏蔽表示:“今晚的月亮会很大,但我们还是能看到速率大约为每小时20个的流星雨”。

8.Any deep space mission would be accompanied by a larger compartment for the crew, Cooke said.库克说,任何深太空探索载人航空任务不可避免需要一个更大的航天器容器。

9.But the case made out by the Research Department's doyen, Apstair Cooke, is that it was the seedbed of Tory social concern.不过,研究部元老级人物,阿里斯泰尔·库克曾指出,该部一直是保守党社会关切的苗床。

10.As a result, Cooke said, Americans are more united even when they disagree on such issues as the U. S. role in Iraq or Afghanistan.库克说,经过这起事件,美国人变得更团结,即便在美国对伊拉克或阿富汗的做法持有不同意见时也是如此。