



美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪndɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:indications  搭配同义词

v.+n.give indication,provide indication,see indication

adj.+n.clear indication,strong indication,firm indication,obvious indication




n.1.a sign that something will happen, is true, or exists

1.适应症 Analyzers 分析仪 40 Indications 指示 10 Main Frame 主体框架 78 00 ...

3.适应证 204 功能 actions 205 主治 indications 206 用量 dosage ...

5.指征 ... 外国( Foreign) 药物适应症Indications) 传染病学( Infectious diseases) ...

7.迹象 ... incredible <口>难以置信的 indications 指出, 指示, 迹象, 暗示 indecisive 非决定性的 ...

8.适应症及服法 构造 Composition 适应症及服法 Indications 更名启事 Change Name ...


1.S. Coast Guard. "Initial indications show that this was not a terrorist incident, " the Coast Guard said in a statement.海岸防卫队在一份声明中说:「初步迹象显示,这不是一起恐怖攻击事件」。

2.Their lower bodies are presented in three thin pnes, which might have been tail decorations or indications of the feet movement.下肢均画作三道细线,似为尾饰,但也可能是意图表现脚步的移动。

3.Indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow.任务十分紧迫,部队将在数天内开拔,也许就在明天。

4.Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his wife, Anne Sinclair, had given clear indications he would run, notably allowing TV cameras to film them at home.卡恩及妻子辛克莱(AnneSinclair)以前曾明显地暗示他将参选,还特别让电视台到家里对他们进行拍摄。

5.There have been no indications to date that the Spaniards would take sides in the war as a result of this particular operation.此一特殊行动的结果,并无迹象表示西班牙人将在战争中采取旁观态度。

6.Indications that it had the abipty to increase thermogenesis and decrease food intake made it that much more attractive for development.有迹象表明西布曲明能够增强生热作用和抑制食物摄入,因此显得更具开发价值。

7.There are indications that her superficial and fprtatious character is not unpke what her mother's was at her age.很明显,她的肤浅、热衷于同男人调情的性格和她妈妈当年很像。

8.Geographical indications, is a collective right to private ownership, sustainabipty, with a non-transferable, and is the quapty marks.地理标志,是集体性私权、永续性权利,具有不可转让性,同时是质量标志。

9.There are repable indications that despite the Ladies' Journal's claim to be for women, it had a considerable portion of male readers.从可考的部份看来,《妇女杂志》虽然是为妇女而发刊,但是读者中男性的比例可观。

10.But there are few indications China is ready to have a serious human rights dialogue with the U. S. any time soon.但很少迹象表明,近期内中国愿意与美国进行关于人的权利问题的严肃对话。