


美式发音: 英式发音: ['uːdəʊ]


网络释义:超密度光盘(Ultra Density Optical);乌多




n.1.a perennial plant of the ginseng family whose tender shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

1.超密度光盘(Ultra Density Optical)ony过去曾与惠普(HP)、Plasmon合作发展UDO(Ultra Density Optical)的蓝光盘片/碟机技术,但之后Sony退出,另行发展PDD…

2.土当归 udderless 无乳房的 udo 土当归 udometer 雨量计 ...

3.乌多以风景园林师的眼光,乌多Udo)和丽塔?维拉赫(Rita Weilacher)拍摄了不仅由他们学院的师生,还有建筑师和艺术家设计 …


1.Eyewitness Udo Sandhoefer said some people cpmbed up the walls of the tunnel in an attempt to get into the grounds from the side.目击者乌多·桑德霍福尔(UdoSandhoefer)说,有些人爬到隧道的墙上,试图从边上进入地面。

2.Advice: When udo have to swim in Croc infested waters then take along a few big Mac's and when a Croc strikes throw them down its gullet!忠告:当你不得不在鳄鱼滋生的水域游泳时,要记得带上几个大汉堡,当鳄鱼袭击你时,就把汉堡包塞到它们的喉咙里。

3.Obviously udo not know what culture means. Oh I forget vietnam is also a communism country?显然你不知道文化是怎么回事,哦对了,没记错越南也是共产主义国家对吧?

4.How do udo, David ! I'm vice director of this clothing director , how was yours trip?你好,大卫先生,我是这家服装厂的副厂长,路上都还顺利吧?

5.Then, what would udo if u find it, it doesn' t matter, because u were all ready.那么,如果你知道真相了又会怎样呢,不过已经没关系了,因为你已经找到了。

6.You can easily supply your body with the essential fatty acids it needs by incorporating Udo's Oil into your meals.您可以轻松地提供必需脂肪酸它纳入乌的石油需求为你准备三餐你的身体。

7.I don't have to worry about when or in what order the UDA or UDO will be called at runtime.在这个过程中用户并不需要担心UDA或者UDO会以怎样的顺序在运行时被调用。

8.Sometimes udo no better than him.有时候你做得还不如他好。

9.We always meet difficulties during our work, but what will udo then? Put up or just give up?在做每一件事的时候,总是会遇到一些困难,这个时候你会坚持还是放弃呢?

10.What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?解放宣言的用意何在?