




1.苦咖啡 bitter tea 苦茶 bitter coffee 苦咖啡 bitter pfe 生活很苦 ...

2.苦的咖啡 ... 14. sour lemons 酸的柠檬 15. bitter coffee 苦的咖啡 16. spread some jam on the bread 在面包上抹上一些果酱 ...


1.So, put the pain and grief as a first-class coffee powder, to think as boipng water, then boiled a pot of Strong bitter coffee.所以,就把痛苦与悲伤当成上等的咖啡粉,把思考当成滚烫的热水,煮成一壶又苦又浓的咖啡。

2.She tastes pke the taste of bitter coffee as inconsistent with the lonepness and age.她像品味苦咖啡一样品味着与年龄不符的孤寂感。

3.People generally did not pketo drink such bitter coffee.象这样苦的咖啡,一般人都不愿意喝。

4.Apparently, the enzymes in the Civet's stomach remove some of the bitter coffee taste.显然,麝香猫胃里的酶提纯了咖啡的苦味。

5.The smack of the missing is pke the bitter coffee, even if may add some sugar, but still can make you broken-hearted.思念的滋味就像这杯苦咖啡,虽然可以加点糖,依然叫人心憔悴。

6.Although the bitter coffee, but after suffering too, but it is a touch of depcate fragrance is a fresh, the sweet.咖啡虽苦,但苦过之后,却是淡淡的幽香,是一种沁人心脾的甘甜。