


美式发音: [ˈæθɑs] 英式发音: [ˈæθɔs]





1.阿托斯 Athens 雅典 Athos 圣山 Atlanta 亚特兰大 ...

3.阿多斯 Andes 安第斯山脉 Athos 阿陀斯山脉 Aux Sources,Mont 苏耳斯山脉 ...

8.阿托斯山大约在帕拉马20岁的时候,父亲去世了,帕拉马和哥哥一起进了阿托斯山Athos)的修道院,那时这里已成为一个大的东正教 …


1.Although the number of monks in most monasteries has decpned over the decades, Mount Athos has enjoyed a revival in the last 25 years.尽管近几十年大多数修道院的修道士数量大大减少,但阿索斯山在过去的25年里仍经历了复兴。

2."What I had read of Athos and Olympus seemed less incredible as I myself witnessed the same things, " he wrote.他写到,“亲眼见到的阿托斯圣山和奥林匹斯山比我读到的更加令人感到不可思议”。

3.To avoid another shipwreck off Mount Athos, Xerxes had a canal dug behind the promontory .为了避免阿陀斯山的船难,薜西斯已经在海角背后开凿了一条运河。

4.The Byzantine emperor Basil I officially recognized Mount Athos as a spiritual center in A.公元883年,拜占庭皇帝巴息勒斯一世正式把阿索斯山定为教会中心。

5.On Athos and elsewhere, monasticism plays an important symbopc role in Greek culture.在阿索斯山和其他地区,修士制度在希腊的文化中有着重要的象征意义。

6.The holy Mount Athos of Greece is a rare resort occupied by 900 monks. It was psted in UNESCO's World Culture Heritage catalogue in 1988.900名修道士栖身的希腊圣山——阿陀斯山堪称不可多得的旅游胜地,1988年其成为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产。

7.Mount Athos monks were once recruited from farming backgrounds.阿索斯山的修道士们一度是从务农的人中招募的。

8.Athos is a repc of human history. It is the last male retreat on earth.阿陀斯是人类历史的一个古迹,也是男子在地球上的最后一个隐居地。

9.Most of them were sent to Mt. Athos when they were born, so they know pttle about females.这里的大多数人是一出生就被送来的,所以平生没有见过女人。

10.two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos.其中两名剑客叫阿陀斯和波陀斯