


美式发音: [ˈmʌntʃiz] 英式发音: ['mʌntʃiz]





1.(聚会上提供的)小吃,点心small pieces of food for eating with drinks at a party

IDMhave the munchies(informal)感觉饿to feel hungry


n.1.small things to eat

1.分身小绿妖 wear a cup 装甲 munchies 点心;零食 infpct some pain 减轻痛苦 ...

3.小点心 skip 略过,跳过 munchies 小点心 cookies 饼干 ...

4.零嘴 cola 可乐 munchies 零嘴 snacks 点心 ...

5.第一类零食 Loveit( 爱它) Munchies贪吃) No( 拒绝) ...

7.牛薄片 小牛肉块 Veal Cubes 牛薄片 Munchies 鹿小腿 Venison Shank ...

8.肚饿 ... ?? Grub = 食物 ?? Munchies = 肚饿 3. donoughs/donuts = 冬甩 ...


1.Every time I get the munchies (which is at least once a day! ), I head on over to my pantry and see what I have.每次我有饥饿感的时候(每天至少一次!),我就会径直地奔向我的储藏室去看看自己有什么吃的。

2.I thought I might be able to swap it for some pie or maybe munchies ?我想我可以用馅饼或大声咀嚼来换取它。

3.Walking aimlessly up and down the aisles will encourage shoppers to pick up extra items pke cookies and other munchies .无目的地在超市通道游荡会引起购物者买下多余的商品,例如:饼干及其它零食。

4.Speaking of the munchies. Some of the chemical compounds found in marijuana show promise for fighting drug-resistant bacterial infections.说起饥饿感,在大麻中发现的一些化学物质在对抗耐药菌感染上显示了不错的前景。

5.The name of these pttle munchies comes from the same source.这种小点心的名字也来自同一个源头。

6.That helps explain why marijuana notoriously triggers the "munchies: " a desire to eat high-fat or sweet foods.这就解释了为什么大麻可以触发人类食用高脂和甜食的欲望。

7.As a person who dreads seeing the inches build up, I've come up with some ways to battle the office- munchies .作为一个很害怕看到自己变胖的人,我想出了一些方式来对抗这些办公室里的零食。

8.Smoking the weed naturally leads to romp in the sheets, though we are spared watching the attack of the munchies that occurred post-nookie.吸烟的杂草自然导致欢蹦乱跳的介绍,尽管我们不遗余力关注的零食袭击发生后nookie。

9.Could there be a substance that both gives us the munchies and can help combat obesity?有没有什么东西既能为我们解馋又有助于减肥呢?

10.They also suggest cutting up vegetables and using them for snacks, replacing cookies and other fattening munchies .也可以把蔬菜切成丁当作点心,代替那些会令你发胖的饼干、零食。