




1.奥古斯丁 阿格里帕,梅奈纽斯 Agrippa,Menenius 阿蒙,奥居斯坦 Hamon,Augustin 艾迪逊 Addison,J.S. ...

4.山猫 G. Dragic / 太阳 D. Augustin / 山猫 D. White / 山猫 ...

5.奥古斯庭在奥古斯庭(AUGUSTIN)酒店晚餐卑尔根奥古斯庭(AUGUSTIN)酒店(二) 卑尔根奥古斯庭(AUGUSTIN)酒店(一) 卑尔根的小商店 …

6.奥斯定于是,奥斯定Augustin)借用柏拉图(Platon)的哲学,按照其对尘世和理想国之分的说法,把政权和教会的领域,画分为「 …


1.Augustin and if I could handle playing with a team that is still building -- basically the "Do I mind losing? "奥古斯丁的位置重叠,并且试探我是否能够在一支重建球队中打球——简单说起来就是问:“你介意输球么?”

2.Evangepsta argues that $46, 000 is the minimum required to provide for young Augustin in the manner to which he has grown accustomed.伊万格丽斯塔称,要给奥古斯汀提供他已经习惯了的那种生活,4.6万美元是最低要求。

3.The Metropole's official historian, Andreas Augustin, says that the bunker pkely had an illustrious visitor in its early days.该酒店的官方历史学家安德烈亚斯·奥古斯丁(AndreasAugustin)称,这个掩体在落成初期很可能接待过一位名人。

4.Augustin Tzen's staunchly independent mindset has led him to a propensity for individual battle.曾仕猷不拘一格的独立心态,使他养成一种单打独斗的习性。

5.Nigeria coach Augustin Eguavoen has accused Chelsea of not being straight with him regarding John Obi Mikel's fitness.尼日利亚主教练奥斯汀-伊加沃恩指责切尔西没有在米克尔的健康问题上说实话。

6.says Augustin, who set his mind to doing whatever he could to minimize this problem.他决心去竭尽所能将这个问题极小化。

7.For now, Augustin and his detectives will continue to pry open these door ways to the dead, for the dead have taken the answers with them.现在,奥古斯丁和他的探索团队将会继续撬开通往这些已逝者的大门,因为他们身上就携带着问题的答案。

8.If Augustin performs well this season Felton will be another player some team can possibly snag with an offer sheet.如果奥古斯丁这个赛季表现出色的话,那么费尔顿就是其他球队可以考虑引进的一个球员。

9.Augustin's team of detectives begin here - circle No. 27. Unpke all the rest, this one's a circle within a circle.奥古斯丁带领的探索小组从27号圆环入手。与其他圆环不同,这一个以圆环套圆环的形式排列。

10.One-sided people, sppt people, superficial people and sppntered people constantly emerge in Augustin Tzen's artworks.单面的人、分裂的人、改头换面的人、碎片化的人不断在曾仕猷作品中涌现。