

deterioration:[英 [dɪˌtɪərɪə'reɪʃn] 美 [dɪˌtɪrɪəˈreʃən] ]


deterioration 基本解释


名词恶化; 退化; 变坏; 堕落

deterioration 反义词




deterioration 网络解释

1. 恶化:但在长期用药过程中,病人及家属要反复知情同意,充分理解用药的意图,以免日后病变进展时生怨;作为医生更应当认真仔细地追踪目标病灶,以最好阶段的疗效为参照,发现病变恶化(deterioration)就停止治疗.

2. 劣化:1引言氯离子侵蚀、碱-骨料反应、硫酸盐侵蚀、碳化、疲劳或冻融循环以及超载等是导致钢筋混凝土(RC)结构劣化(deterioration)的主要因素. 典型的钢筋混凝土劣化主要包括混凝土的开裂、剥落和钢筋腐蚀. 其中,钢筋腐蚀是最重要的,这是由于腐蚀造成钢筋截面面积的缩小以及钢筋

deterioration 双语例句

1. However, the higher equity risk premium on the back of deterioration in earning growth and visibility is likely to cap the upside in the short term.


2. Clinical research shows that the abundant source of antioxidant in Young Barley Grass Powder helps revitalize liver functions from further deterioration.


3. There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backwards, which is decay and deterioration.


4. Men will deteriorate the money, yes, a lot of men out, however, deterioration of one rich man even if no money has not gone well.



5. Man on the deterioration of the money, yes, a lot of men this way, however, on the deterioration of one rich man even if no money, bad.


6. In spite of these safeguards, many analysts have speculated that Korea's banks could see a sharp deterioration of their balance sheets, making another round of bank consolidation likely.


7. The results indicate the KBSF has excellent aseismic performances such as great elastic stiffness, satiable hysteretic loop, slowly stiffness deterioration, and yielding localized in knee.


8. deterioration在线翻译

8. The deterioration of the environment I feel upset, and I thought: as a future successor of the young people do not understand the human environment if the composition and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations relating to environmental protection, not to enhance environmental awareness, conscientiously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, then our lives will be ruined in their own hands, God will punish us severely.


9. The aim of the present research is to evaluate the degree of deterioration of concrete after fire by means of stress waves, bond strength using pullout test.


10. It is the rivers and lakes that have bred up people of Wuhan for generations. Unfortunately, urban lakes have fallen into an awkward situation with the rapid development of urbanization and sharp increase of urban population in recently years. The numbers and areas of urban lake have sharply decreased; some urban lakes have deposited; some became swamp. Additionally, soil erosion caused by human factors has shoaled lakes and reduced reservoir capacity. Trade-waste sewage and domestic sewage flow into lakes, which has caused the deterioration of water quality.


11. With the development of economy, the increase of economy brings ecological environment deterioration endangering sur- vival of human being, when resources meet the need of economic increase continuously.


12. Zhuhai Tai Fook and supermarkets, to sell openly serious deterioration of the winter bamboo shoots!!!


13. Summary: Zhuhai Tai Fook and supermarkets, to sell openly serious deterioration of the winter bamboo shoots!!!


14. In many cases, further deterioration was noted upon release of crushed extremities.


15. Hypometabolism also affected the brain heterogeneously, sparing the benefits in the frontal cortex and at the precise location of the grafts, but showing a progressie deterioration in other areas.



16. Thermal effects are a major factor in polymer deterioration.


17. In this paper, the bearing capacity of the column-beam joints poured with thesame strength concrete as beams and slabs of a construction in Chongqing is checked, so the feasibility of column-beam joints poured with the same strength as beams andslabs is discussed. And six column-beam joint specimens are tested which is subjectedto cyclic loading. Based on measurement of strains of both horizontal stirrups in thejoint core and longitudinal reinforcement passing through the joint, and the research ofthe specimens` ductility, energy-dissipation capacity and bond deterioration ofreinforcement passing through the joint, the influence of the column-beam joints pouredwith the same strength concrete as beams and slabs on the seismic performance of thespecimens was investigated.

本文对重庆市某实际工程的梁柱节点在采用梁板混凝土浇注后的承载力进行了验算,以考查这一施工方法在低烈度区应用的可行性;同时设计并完成了 3 组共 6 个钢筋混凝土空间框架节点的低周反复加载对比试验,通过量测各试件节点区水平箍筋以及贯穿节点的梁、柱纵筋在不同受力阶段的应变等,对比分析各组试件延性、耗能性及梁柱纵筋的粘结退化状况,考查了节点核芯区采用梁板混凝土浇注后对试件抗震性能的影响。


18. Based on measurement of strains of both horizontal stirrups in the joint core and longitudinal reinforcement passing through the joint, and the research of the specimens ductility, energy-dissipation capacity and bond deterioration of reinforcement passing through the joint, the influence of the column-beam joints poured with the same strength concrete as beams on the integrated seismic performance of the specimens is investigated. As following conclusions have been got:① It is feasible that the column-beam joints poured with the same strength concrete as beams.

本次试验表明,若需将位移延性保持在4.0的水准上,建议当剪压比超过0.34之后,节点区不宜采用梁混凝土强度等级浇筑;④对于高轴压比、高剪压比共同作用下试件,试验证明:1 此类试件节点核心区及上、下柱距梁边缘约500范围内损伤严重; 2 提高节点核心区配箍率对此类组合体耗能性的提高有一定的积极作用,但这种作用是有限的;⑤梁筋贯穿段粘结特征对此类节点的综合抗震性能有较为明显的影响。

19. Water treeing is one of the main deterioration phenomena, which can affect the service lifetime of the XLPE power cable.


20. deterioration的反义词

20. Retrogressive direction of the deterioration of individual time.


deterioration 单语例句

1. The deterioration of the European debt crisis has accelerated the outflow of their capital.

2. Those prion proteins carry the disease in transmission between individuals and cause deterioration of the brain.

3. If the livestock population and mining spree are not checked, ecological deterioration will choke any attempt at further development.

4. Russia's decision to choke the supply accompanies a deterioration in bilateral relations with Ukraine since Yushchenko came to power a year ago.

5. Chinese banks have also been asked to improve their capital adequacy ratio and provision coverage ratio to prepare for deterioration in assets quality.

6. Koizumi has continued the visits despite a rapid deterioration in ties between Tokyo and Beijing.

7. Further deterioration of the environment can only be prevented by continuing market reforms, especially resource price reform.

8. The continuous deterioration of the operating conditions has brought widespread losses in the industry, an official from an iron and steel enterprise in Hebei province told the reporter.

9. China has launched a nationwide project on water pollution control since 2007 against the backdrop of continuous deterioration of national waters.

10. They can lower the peak of the environmental deterioration curve through measures like strengthening standards and setting subsidies for improving the environment.

deterioration 英英释义



1. process of changing to an inferior state

Synonym: decline in qualitydeclensionworsening

2. a symptom of reduced quality or strength

Synonym: impairment