




1.东京三菱日联银行FXstreet网址被屏蔽(巴塞罗那)- 东京三菱日联银行(Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ)周五(3月9日)表示,在希腊债务互换协议达到预期、但未 …


1.A spokesman for the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, said last week the bank would continue supporting Acom.东京-三菱日联银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)的发言人上周说,该行将继续支持Acom。

2.Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and telecommunications providers KDDI are also planning to launch an Internet-only bank together.三菱东京UFJ银行和电信运营商KDDI电信公司也计划联合成立一家网络银行。

3.Naomi Fink, Japan Strategist, Global Marketing & Trading Division, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.三菱东京UFJ银行,全球市场与贸易部,日本策略分析师,纳米.芬克:

4.Bank of China Ltd. is the main underwriter of the deal, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (China) said.三菱东京日联银行中国有限公司透露,中国银行(BankofChinaLtd.)是这桩发债交易的主要承销商。

5.The latest to weigh in on the debate is Christopher Rupkey, the New York-based chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.最新参与进这场讨论的是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)驻纽约的首席经济学家拉普基(ChristopherRupkey)。

6."Don't cry about the strong yen, fix the problem, " says Naomi Fink, strategist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ in Tokyo.“别光叫嚷着日元升值,赶紧解决问题”,NaomiFink(日本三菱东京UFJ银行首席策略师)在东京表示。

7."It can't be helped, " said Akira Hoshino, chief manager of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ's foreign exchange trading department.“(欧元)势不可挡,”三菱东京UFJ银行外汇交易部门主管AkiraHoshino说。

8.Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.下属的三菱东京UFJ银行。

9.Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.另一家在香港银行业建立战略立足点的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。

10.Intermediary Bank: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. , Tokyo收款银行之代理行:东京三菱日联银行,东京