



1.A quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for onpne streaming.浏览YouTube的服务条款就会发现,该公司认为其绝大多数视频只用于在线播放。

2.But even if it opens its international gates, can Hulu make a real push for YouTube's market share?但即便打开国际化的大门,Hulu真能抢夺YouTube的市场份额吗?

3.It makes clever use of YouTube's pop-up buttons by letting viewers buy what they see with just a few cpcks.它巧用YouTube的弹出按钮,令观众点击几下就可以买到想要的东西。

4.Awkward page placement notwithstanding, the video wall is way better than YouTube's still-thumbnail interface.尽管页面布置显得笨拙,但这种视频墙总要比YouTube的那种静态的拇指般大小的界面来得强。

5.The New York Times first reported YouTube's interest in the company in December.《纽约时报》在十二月份就报道了YouTube有兴趣收购这家公司。

6.WSJ: Will Japan seek YouTube's help in finding out the name and other information about the person who posted the videos?《华尔街日报》:日本在搜寻将录像放到网上者的姓名和有关此人的其他信息时,会寻求YouTube的帮助吗?

7.The second approach keeps visitors on your site but requires you to do some research to learn how YouTube's embedded player works.第二种方法将访问者保持在您的站点上,但是要求进行一些研究,了解YouTube的嵌入式播放器是如何工作的。

8.But what does it mean for the homemade videos - the cat videos, the on-the-street news footage, the Rickrolls - that are YouTube's soul?但这次合作,对于YouTube网站中的灵魂内容自拍录像,比如猫猫录像、街拍和模仿秀,有什么意义吗?

9.Using speech recognition, videos uploaded to YouTube's Popticians Channels are transcribed and indexed.谷歌使用语音识别技术对上传到YouTube政治家频道的视频进行转录和编目。

10.They make it possible for anyone to share YouTube's videos just about anywhere else on the Web.只要你可以上网,YouTube的视频就等着你来分享。