




1.马哈茂德 有技艺的 Māhir 麦哈穆德 Mahmud 被赞颂的 Mahmūd ...

3.马哈穆德始正规化的土耳其系的伊斯兰教徒,例如像卡兹拉王朝的马荷穆德Mahmud)967-1030),对印度伊斯兰的态度就是采取 …

6.马哈慕德该机构在1月13日的声明中表示,「与马哈慕德(Mahmud)首相家族利益挂勾的建筑公司,将是这项新能源发展计划的主要获益 …



1."A good understanding of how the system is organized is absolutely essential, " notes Dr. M. Z. Mahmud, author of the NPHCDA report.“让人们清楚地了解整个系统的组织结构绝对有必要,”尼日利亚基本医疗卫生发展署报告的作者M.Z.Mahmud博士说。

2.General Mahmud Ap Durrani, a former ambassador to America who supports peace talks, feels that the army's insecurity is too big a problem.哈穆德•杜拉尼(MahmudDurrani)将军,曾担任巴驻美大使,也支持和谈,他觉得军队的不安全是一个大问题。

3.President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said no one could stop his country from producing peaceful nuclear energy.总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德说,无人可以阻止他的国家生产和平的核能。

4.Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas were set to launch a new round of peace negotiations in Washington Thursday.内塔尼亚胡与巴勒斯坦领导人阿巴斯将于2日在华盛顿举行新一轮和谈。

5.To Ghazni, Afghanistan's great empire builder Mahmud carried back the plunder of India almost ten centuries ago.这个阿富汗地区伟大帝国的缔造者——穆罕默德——曾在数十世纪前出征印度,满载战利品而归。

6.And pity Sultan Mahmud on his Throne .还怜悯端坐王位的苏丹马赫穆德。

7.The Van Gogh painting was stolen in broad daypght from the Mahmud Khapl museum on 21 August.八月二十一号,梵高的作品在光天化日之下于马哈茂德·哈利勒博物馆被盗。

8.General Mahmud Ap Durrani, ambassador to Washington until 2008, thinks the problem is that neither side speaks frankly.截止到2008年底任巴基斯坦驻华盛顿大使的杜兰尼(MahmudApDurrani)将军认为两国的问题出在双方均不能坦诚相对。