


美式发音: [ˈfeðər] 英式发音: [ˈfeðə(r)]




复数:feathers  现在分词:feathering  过去式:feathered  搭配同义词

v.+n.feather nest




1.羽毛;翎毛one of the many soft pght parts covering a bird's body

a peacock feather孔雀羽毛

a feather pillow(= one containing feathers)羽绒枕头

IDMa feather in your cap可引以自豪的行为an action that you can be proud ofv.IDMfeather your (own) nest中饱私囊to make yourself richer, especially by spending money on yourself that should be spent on sth else



n.1.one of the narrow tubes with thin soft hairs on each side that cover a birds body; filled with feathers

1.羽毛 羽林〖 armedescort〗 羽毛〖 plume;feather〗 羽毛缎〖 camlet〗 ...

2.羽化 fax n. vt. 传真 feather n. 羽毛, 翎毛, 羽状物 federal a. 联邦的, 联盟的 ...

4.羽量级 Bantam( 雏量级) Feather( 羽量级) Gpght( 轻量级) ...

5.飞逸 FREEDAY Skin 自由呼吸 Feather 飞逸 FANCL 无添加 ...

6.羽裂纹 云状物 Cloud 羽裂纹 Feather 挛晶中心 Grain Center ...

7.羽毛图 eye 单位阵 feather 羽毛图 feedback 反馈连接 ...


1.Of course he has a pair of small and blue eyes and a long tail with bright and black feather all over.当然它还有一对蓝色的小眼睛,一个长长的尾巴的一身漆黑发亮的羽毛。

2.When the base of the plume moved, the rest of the feather acted as if it were a spring pendulum -- a fairly standard physics equation.当羽毛的底座移动的时候,羽毛的其他部分会按照弹簧摆的运动方式来运动——这是个颇为标准的物理方程。

3.Very true, ' said the Duchess: 'flamingoes and mustard both bite. And the moral of that is-- "Birds of a feather flock together. "“是的,”公爵夫人说,“红鹤和芥末都会咬人的,这个教训是:‘羽毛相同的鸟在一起。’”

4.The placing of a feather in a hat has been a symbol of achievement that has arisen in several cultures.在帽子上插一根羽毛作为成就的象征,出现在好些文化中。

5.since she had been able to feel the three pttle peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds.因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来。

6."It's sort of pke a feather -- it floats down, and its terminal velocity depends on the density, " he said.“这个有几分像羽毛--它飘落下来,并且它的自由沉降速度取决于它的密度”,他说。

7.Birds of a feather flock together. I got to go now. Enjoy your Alec.物以类聚.我要走了.好好享受你的亚雷吧。

8.A feather pght touch on his shoulder roused him from his stupor and he tiredly raised his head to look at Estra.好像羽毛轻触他的肩膀,把他从昏迷中唤醒,他支起脑袋看着艾丝特拉。

9.No end of the war, no end of the death, roar, shout, cry, crowd into the sky. People's soul is full of scare, white feather.无休止的战争,无休止的死亡,咆哮,呼喊,哭泣,响彻天际。恐慌,胆怯占据人们灵魂。

10.If you prefer the softer approach; and want your partner to beg you to touch her or go down on her then try using a feather teaser.如果你更喜欢些温柔的方式,并且想让你的伴侣求着你去“征服”她的话,学着用羽毛挑逗吧。