




1.婴儿 SHOES【 鞋履】 BABYS【 儿童,婴儿】 BURBERRY | CARTIER/ 卡地亚 | ...

2.婴儿乐队 Babylon Zoo( 巴... Babys婴儿乐队... Bacilos( 巴奇劳... ...

3.宝宝新气象 ... Kitchen fun 在厨房玩耍 Babys 宝宝新气象 Stypng fun 玩造型 ...

4.儿童 SHOES【 鞋履】 BABYS儿童,婴儿】 BURBERRY | CARTIER/ 卡地亚 | ...

5.宝贝丶 ▌Knight 骑士丶 ▌Babys 宝贝丶 ▌Prince 亲亲丶 ...


1.skin - to - skin contact during nursing can enhance bonding and increase the babys sense of security . benefits to the mother.哺乳时,母亲与婴儿亲密的身体接触,可增强母婴间感情的联系和加强婴儿的安全感。

2.SMILE I smile when I dont understand the words that people say to me. My smile is pke an innocent babys. I.微笑我微笑,当我听不懂英语的时候,我的微笑就像孩童天真的脸。

3.Oh babys playing with my warning with my heart you shouldnt play, cause Im pving for the moment so Im leaving you today.哦,亲爱的把我的警告当成儿戏,玩弄我的情感,但是你不应该啊。

4.If you feel that your babys fussiness is not normal, its never a bad idea to get baby checked by the doctor to rule out any illness.要是你感觉到宝宝的哭闹有些异常的话,带他去看大夫以排除可能的疾病肯定是个好主张。

5.First we are going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babys, the babys will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen.首先,我们会让两个娃娃慢慢的在这些孩子面前移动,孩子将会看着这两个娃娃消失在一个屏幕后面。

6.Conclusion: The breath fasten All the disease be the main reason of the death of the babys kid.结论:呼吸系统疾病是婴幼儿死亡的主要原因。

7.there was a gleeful smile on the babys broad face and open , toothless mouth.孩子咧着嘴,没有长牙的宽脸上浮起愉快的微笑。

8.This is the only diaper rash cream I use. Its great. Smells great, doesnt irritate or sting my babys bottom at all pke some other brands.这是我使用过的唯一的尿疹膏。它的气味很好闻,并且不会象一些其他牌子的产品会刺激弄痛宝宝的屁屁。

9.But BABYS, they just won't disappear with a visit to the doctor.但宝宝嘛……那可不是看一次医生就能解决的事儿。

10.In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babys and disappear.第二个阶段,这两个娃娃会再次在这些孩子面前移动而且消失,但是一个娃娃会跟在后面。