




1.文特尔 ... 73 阿里•马兹锐(肯尼亚) Ap Mazrui 74 克雷格•文特尔(美国) Craig Venter 75 马丁•瑞斯(英国) Martin …

4.约翰·奎格·文特 64、Neil deGrasse Tyson( 尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森) 65、J. Craig Venter约翰·奎格·文特) 66、Lisa Randall( 利萨·兰德 …

5.克雷格文特究显示,人类和黑猩猩的亲属关系恐怕也很难让人接受,温特Craig Venter)教授称,黑猩猩和人类在500万年前才开始分 …

7.美国生物学家克雷格文特尔据《每日邮报》报道,美国生物学家克雷格文特尔(Craig Venter)在实验室中制造出世界首个人造生命细胞。克雷格文特尔将一 …


1.Mr Page, Mr Brin and his wife, Ms Wojcicki, have brainstormed with people such as Craig Venter, a biologist who helped map the human genome.佩奇、布林夫妇和许多人士就此事头脑风暴过,比如进行人类基因组测序的克雷格•文特尔(CraigVenter)。

2.Synthetic Genomics, the company founded in Capfornia by genomics pioneer Craig Venter, is the leader here.由基因组学先驱克莱格·凡特在加利福尼亚成立的SyntheticGenomics公司,是该领域的领头羊。

3.Nevertheless, Craig Venter, Hamilton Smith and their colleagues have done for real what Mary Shelley merely imagined.然而,克雷格·文特尔,哈密尔顿·史密斯及他们的同事真的实现了玛丽·雪莱[译注:科幻小说《弗兰肯斯坦》作者]曾经的幻想。

4.Craig Venter has just joined our board and we're doing a rapid genome sequencing prize with him.克雷格凡特刚刚加入我们的董事会我们会和他一起做一个快速基因组测序的竞赛。

5."The smaller number of genes does indicate in creased complexity, " says Craig Venter , CEO of Bethesda, Maryland.“基因数量较少千真万确地表明复杂性的增加,”马里兰州贝塞斯达的赛莱拉基因组学公司总裁克瑞格-温特说。

6.Craig Venter said that the discovery would make patents on single genes less useful.克瑞格-温特说,这一发现使单基因专利的用途大为减少。

7."These are very encouraging and exciting results, " says biogeochemist Yuri Gorby of the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego, Capfornia.“这是非常令人欢欣鼓舞的成果,”来自加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的J.CraigVenter研究所的生物地质化学家YuriGorby说。

8.Szostak's endeavor is very different from another artificial pfe project led by biologist and entrepreneur J. Craig Venter.由生物学家和企业家克雷格·文特尔领导的另一个人工生命项目与绍斯塔克的探索大有不同。

9.One pioneer of genetic deconstruction Dr. J. Craig Venter agrees with Dr. Raven.遗传解构学的先驱之一,J•克雷格•文特尔博士同意这一看法。

10.The best practical example of this is the shotgun gene sequencing by J. Craig Venter.最好的实践例子就是:J.CraigVenter的鸟枪基因序列。