

funding:[英 [ˈfʌndɪŋ] 美 [ˈfʌndɪŋ] ]


过去式:funded;   复数形式:funds;

funding 基本解释


名词提供资金; 用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券

动词提供资金; “fund”的现在分词

funding 情景对话

Apply for a school-(申请学校)


A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.


B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?


A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?


B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.



A:Which is better?


B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.


A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.



B:Yeah, sometimes.


funding 网络解释

1. 用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券:我们开发的很多杠杆是建立在一个非常廉价的、可资利用的信任以及利用隔夜或日常借贷的能力上的. 因此,用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券(funding)成了一个问题. 如今,公司正在寻找更安全、可靠、稳定的债券来源,而不是简单地扑到隔夜市场上去.

2. funding的意思

2. 资金:"我觉得有机会,特别是大型的欧资银行,因为它们本身的资金(funding)和营运,都是几种货币相互交替的. 唯一的问题是,如何使投资者明白这种前所未见的dualcurrency打包债券,再协助它们调整内部结算(settlement)和营运(operation)的问题.

3. funding的近义词

3. 资金投入:不少大学对国际留学生都有资金投入(Funding)项目,目的在于为国际学生创造更多,更平等的机会. 对于大多数中国留学生来说到美国留学是一笔不少的投资,而如果重点院校能够为国际留学生提供奖学金,对学生会是不小的吸引力.

4. funding的意思

4. 筹集资金:其实,即便本市已经能够完成全部的削减预算计划,市府仍然在筹集资金(funding)上陷入困境. 市议员丝汀兹女士(KarenStintz)表示,市政经理的备忘录反映出本市财政中的严重不平衡. 所花的已经大大超过了所能获得的,所以不得不削减开支.

funding 双语例句

1. A venture capital funding arrangement will typically entail relinquishing some level of ownership and control of the business.


2. A venture capital funding arrangement will typicallyentail relinquishing some level of ownership and control of the business.


3. Development projects for start-up funding solutions, as well as a combination of start-up capital financing plan, in principle, can be taken several ways


4. However, according to different regions, stabilization fund in the timing, funding and operation of the sources are quite different.


5. Therefore, when choosing a loan, they must fully consider their own funds for the operation and follow-up funding.


6. Insiders said, to reduce State Power NARI are pure capital operation, but funding does have some pressure.


7. At present, the real estate industry, the urgent need for outside financing channels for banks to address the development and operation funding.


8. Think, our country should be a good solution to land problems, the need for a strong decision-making body, clear information, adequate funding and operation of high-level institutions.


9. Explain key types of private equity funding and operation formats. Give one example of successful case. of PE financing


10. funding的近义词

10. The Chinese government will provide a specific amount of special funding for the operation of this network over the next few years, and I hope all parties concerned actively support and take part in this.


11. funding

11. Interzone is a well-funded company with USD$10 million initial funding, we are a stable and growing company with excellent prospects.



12. Under the Chairmanship of PM, a meeting of President/CEO of leading Banks and Financial Institutions will be held to solicit funding commitments.



13. This means that banks on the one hand, tightening of liquidity, strengthen risk prevention, on the one hand but also to provide adequate funding for real estate.


14. When others wanted to retreat in defeat from the field of battle, when Barack Obama was voting to cut off funding for our troops on the ground, John McCain had the courage to stand against the tide of public opinion and support the surge, and because of that, today, our troops are at last beginning to come home, not in failure, but in honor!


15. Distribution according to work and the funding allocated for the micro-distribution of surplus value in the field of primary and secondary status, decided to owners and workers compare the strength of both the game and distribution of macro-level policy adjustments.



16. In the same period, Chinese funding of infrastructure and development in Africa grew to rival lending by multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.


17. According to the Institute for Economic Development, 34% of small businesses use business credit cards for funding.

根据经济发展研究所,34 %的小型企业使用的信用卡业务提供资金。

18. Finally Warner Brothers accepted their screenplay, but wouldn't provide 2funding until Keanu Reaves accepted the 3lead role.


19. Hard money and soft money are terms used to differentiate between campaign funding that is, and is not, regulated under federal campaign finance law.


20. In the case of the arts, and within anything at all like the present social order, the principle can be strongly supported on the grounds, first, that it is impossible for the arts to be adequately supported by the ordinary operations of the market or by occasional private patronage (as the banks and industrial companies would soon discover and indeed know already; their prestige advertising support is only practicable at all on the basis of substantial long-term public funding and, secondly, that while public finance, from the general revenue, is essential, it is undesirable that any governmental body, subject to changes of political emphasis, should have direct control over artistic policies and practices.


funding 词典解释

1. (政府或机构提供的)资金,款项,拨款

Funding is money which a government or organization provides for a particular purpose.

e.g. They hope for government funding for the scheme...


e.g. Many colleges have seen their funding cut.


funding 单语例句

1. Social entrepreneurs equipped with businesslike ideas are seeking solutions to some of society's intractable problems by tapping private or public funding.

2. The area's farmers have been one of the key beneficiaries of the additional funding generated by the surge in visitor numbers.

3. It was the first aid delivered under internationally backed funding restrictions that bypass the Palestinian government led by the militant group Hamas since March.

4. Wong said she sees a constant need for food aid in the area and has called on authorities to provide recurring funding for the program.

5. The Chinese government has planned to expand the scheme to cover all rural residents and double the funding level to 100 yuan per capita.

6. These included a shift away from bank lending to capital markets funding and the need to boost Europe's pension assets.

7. IFC's financing will also provide funding for capital expenditure to help Lattice achieve a national presence in the country.

8. Venture capital is the second or third stage of a traditional startup financing sequence, which starts with the entrepreneurs putting their own available funding into a shoestring operation.

9. Getting such funding is also part of a plan to end the controls on capital flows it imposed in 2008 to stabilize a tumbling currency.

10. It's a positive response to people's concerns as the report assumes to establish government funding and social capital investment in these fields.

funding的反义词funding 英英释义


1. the act of financing

Synonym: financing

2. financial resources provided to make some project possible

e.g. the foundation provided support for the experiment

Synonym: supportfinancial supportbackingfinancial backing