

exacting:[英 [ɪgˈzæktɪŋ] 美 [ɪɡˈzæktɪŋ] ]


过去式:exacted;   过去分词:exacted;

exacting 基本解释


形容词费劲的; 需细致小心的; (标准)严格的; (对别人)严格的

动词苛求; 要求( exact的现在分词 ); 迫使; 强迫


exacting 相关例句


1. Both were exacting bosses.


2. It was a day of exacting and tiring work.


3. exacting是什么意思

3. Volunteers are needed for an exacting assignment.


exacting 网络解释

1. 苛求的:exact强求;精确的 | exacting苛求的 | interact相互作用

2. 严格的:evolve 使发展,推论 vi.进展;进化 | exacting 严格的 | exaggerate 夸大,夸张

3. 苛求的, 严格的, 吃力的, 需付出极大耐心:French horn 法国号 | exacting 苛求的, 严格的, 吃力的, 需付出极大耐心 | epithelial gland 上皮腺

exacting 双语例句

1. exacting在线翻译

1. First of all, the basic material must be made to exacting standard.



2. If you go on exacting so much from me. I'll kill you.


3. BM-1000 is a professional condenser microphone, which adopts the exacting complete electronic circuit control and gold-plate diaphragm capsule.


4. Control was not, of course, as exacting as that required by laboratory experimentation.


5. Putin is demonstrating that he is willing to use force; that he is unwilling to let Georgia and Ukraine enter NATO without exacting a severe price; and that he views the United States as hypocritical, overextended, distracted, and reluctant to make good on its protective assurances to the likes of Georgia.


6. CRC-Evans manufactures pipe facing machines that are designed and built to exacting standards.


7. The Black Moon's aspiration for perfection and the rigorous, exacting nature of Saturn reinforce each other.


8. exacting的翻译

8. For many persuasion was sufficient to make them join the cause; other required rougher treatment. All those who refused to sign were not only looked upon as ungodly, but as traitors to their country, as ready to help the foreign invader. And as the greater that the number of subscribers grew, the more imperious they were in exacting subscriptions from others who refused to subscribe, so that by degrees they proceeded to contumelies and reproaches, and some were threatened and beaten who durst refuse, especially in the greatest cities Ibid, p.

并非所有的,不过,愿意向用户提供盟约对於很多劝导,足以使他们加入的原因,其他需要粗糙的待遇,凡是拒绝签署不仅看作为ungodly ,但由於汉奸向自己的国家,作为随时准备帮助外国侵略者,并为更大认为,对用户数量的增长,更专横的,他们在严格的征订由其他人拒绝订阅,以便最迟度,他们接著contumelies和责备,有的威胁和殴打的人(集团垃圾,尤其是在上最伟大的城市(同上,第45页)。

9. We need someone who is demanding and exacting - and he's the right man for the job.


10. exacting的近义词

10. His work was so exacting that by the end of the day he was worn out.


11. And he said that as DNA testing gets more exacting, it simply makes sense to use it more.


12. By the famous designers, led by Mr. Zhang Yaozhong elite team, according to; exacting quality, technology experts for the purpose, following Shenzhen, much greener landscape design, production.


13. The industrial policy that these negative economic policy basically include to weigh this curb end, foreign trade policy that close the country to international communication and the wealth tax policy of the miscellaneous collect that ask for exacting.


14. But the truckloads of large, oblong potatoes that arrive at the McCain Foods plant in the Mehsana district of Gujarat face a more exacting ordeal.


15. It is alsomanufactured to more exacting standards to ensure purityand uniformity in every tablet.


16. exacting的解释

16. We have little experience with the irrevocable and dislike exacting time limits.


17. To perform these functions consistently and economically, the felt must be fabricated to exacting standards of durability, cleanability, pliability, and surface finish.


18. The individual often subjects his or herself to the same exacting standards and berates her or himself for failing to live up to them.


19. Life in the universe in the boundless huge crowd, face every little faults, often have a faint smile, a gentle qian, bring the inclusion is tolerant, understanding, in one's life, often because of a small matter, a casual words, so that people don't understand or not, but don't trust anyone to our exacting others, this is tolerance.


20. CAMAC systems are required to be built to quite exacting standards.


exacting 词典解释

1. 费劲的;苛刻的;要求严格的

You use exacting to describe something or someone that demands hard work and a great deal of care.

e.g. The Duke was not well enough to carry out such an exacting task...


e.g. Privately they seem to have the same exacting standards.


exacting 单语例句

1. Exacting standards set for translators also play a key role in guaranteeing quality, according to Chen.

2. China is constantly improving its laws to prohibit the exacting of evidence through torture or other illegal means by judicial officials.

3. Constantly challenge employees by setting and exacting the highest standards, spurring them on to achieve what are seemingly impossible targets.

4. FIFA conducted private testing for 10 systems in February but all of them failed to meet the exacting requirements.

5. It is one of the most exacting national tests in China, with pass rates often falling under 20 percent.

6. Bodian called on African countries to not ask for such aid from the West with exacting terms attached.

7. Though US investors are showing renewed interest in Chinese IPO stocks, they remain exacting about a company's growth prospects in a bumpy economy and stock markets.

exacting 英英释义


1. requiring precise accuracy

e.g. an exacting job

became more exigent over his pronunciation

Synonym: exigent

2. severe and unremitting in making demands

e.g. an exacting instructor

a stern disciplinarian

strict standards

Synonym: sternstrict

3. having complicated nutritional requirements

especially growing only in special artificial cultures

e.g. fastidious microorganisms

certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements

Synonym: fastidious