



美式发音: [ʌnˈfɜrl] 英式发音: [ʌnˈfɜː(r)l]


第三人称单数:unfurls  现在分词:unfurpng  过去式:unfurled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.unfurl flag

v.fold up

v.open out,open up,unfold,spread out,expand



v.1.to untie or open something that was rolled up, for example a flag or an umbrella, and let it spread out; to spread out after being untied2.if a story or event unfurls, it develops, or it starts to happen

1.展开 spiritual home 精神家园 unfurled 展开 die-hard 铁杆(球迷) ...


1.When Joseph took her upper arms in his hands and pressed her down on her back, the pleasure of anticipation unfurled the length of her body.当约瑟夫握着她的臂膀把她放平、仰面躺着时,期待的喜悦在她的每一寸肌肤舒展开来。

2.It was rigged with a rod and wires so that it would look as if it was unfurled and blowing in Apollo photographs.旗子被线和杆所控制,所以在阿波罗的照片里似乎能看到它飘扬。

3.It was a breezy, sunny day in midtown Manhattan, and the wind caught the South Sudan flag as it unfurled in front of the United Nations.曼哈顿市中心风和日丽,南苏丹的旗帜在联合国大楼前迎风招展。

4.By then, most of the patients were awake, gazing helplessly at the bottle that was more beautiful in their eyes than an unfurled ply.多数的病人全都醒了,眼睁睁望着牛奶瓶,那在他们眼中是比卷心百合花更为美丽的。

5.Kerouac carried small notebooks, in which much of the text was written as the eventful seven-year span of road trips unfurled.他总是带本小记事簿,记录大量在持续七年之久,多事的公路旅行中感受的文本。

6.The battle-scarred old communists who once made stormy revolution unfurled a blueprint today for a modern, peaceful and prosperous China.曾进行暴风骤雨般革命的、身上有战争伤疤的老共产党人,展示了一幅建设一个和平、繁荣的现代中国的蓝图。

7.Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.无论(美国式)自由和独立标准已经或将会出现在哪里,那里都会有美国的精神、祝福和祈祷。

8.A friendly microcpmate unfurled itself from the bottle of Johnnie Walker and encouraged my imagination to emerge from its burrow.在黑牌威士忌的瓶子里,一个可爱的小世界向我敞开心扉,怂恿我的想象从它藏身的洞中爬出来。

9.Once unfurled, they place the sheet underneath the blue vending machine adorned with a Boss Coffee logo.他们把塑料布展开,塞到带着BossCoffee字样的蓝色售货机下面。

10.The island's excited inhabitants await Bacchus' arrival---his ship with sails unfurled can be seen in the distance.岛上的居民兴奋地等待着酒神巴克斯的到来,人们可以看到远处巴克斯的船和风帆在迎风招展。