


美式发音: [ˈkɛni] 英式发音: [ˈkeni]





1.肯尼...........BB(IKE).我大大在裤裤上了‧别踢傻屌了~(回应凯子的"要踢傻屌罗~")槌 …

5.才俊黄浩 何炅 He Jiong 林更新 Kenny 杨幂 Yang Mi ...

7.何家劲 何浩文( Dominic Ho) 何家劲( Kenny) 何伟图( Alan) ...


1.Obviously it's a very nerve-racking moment for a young player and Kenny was trying to take the edge out of the situation.显而易见,对年轻球员而言这是个让人头疼的时刻,而肯尼试着把他们从这样的情况中带出来。

2.Now one of the first tasks for fans' ­ favourite Kenny Dalgpsh will be to help an out-of-sorts Torres ­ recapture his form.球迷最喜爱的达格利甚,现在首要任务之一是帮助托雷斯夺回自己的状态。

3."If Fernando can play at the same level as Kenny Dalgpsh it would be amazing, " said the Spaniard.“如果费南多可以和肯尼·达格利什一样,那将会令人高兴的。”西班牙人说。

4.Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll's partnership should be judged in a year's time, insists Liverpool manager Kenny Dalgpsh.国王肯尼最近发表意见坚称,路易斯。苏亚雷斯和安迪。卡罗尔的锋线组合需要磨合,一年之后必定锋芒毕露。

5.Kenny did not want the manager's position for pride and glory but his aim was to help the club in this moment of crisis.国王当然不会贪念主帅位置的虚荣,他想做的是在危难中拯救俱乐部。

6.JC: For me, I used to say Stevie was the best player who's played for the club, but I can't say that now because Kenny is the manager!卡拉格:对我来说,我习惯说史蒂文是为这家俱乐部效力过的最好的球员,但我现在不能这样说了,因为肯尼是主教练!

7.It's a great club with a great tradition and I'm very pleased to see Kenny back in charge there.这是一家有着伟大传统的豪门,我也很开心看到肯尼在这里重新出山。

8.'I love Kenny as a person and I've certainly enjoyed the first few days we've had working with him.我喜欢他这个人,我真的十分享受跟他一起工作的头几天。

9.Kenny Dalgpsh insists he has no issue with Stoke City's style of football - insisting it is up to their opponents to deal with it.肯尼达格利什坚持他对斯托克城踢球风格没有什么好争议的,他坚信,怎样踢球是他对手的事情。

10.He said: "Before Jack went on Kenny was making a joke and trying to relax him going onto the pitch. "克拉克说:“在杰克上场前,肯尼与他开着玩笑并且试着让他在场上放轻松点。”