

stumble:[英 [ˈstʌmbl] 美 [ˈstʌmbəl] ]


过去式:stumbled;   过去分词:stumbled;   现在分词:stumbling;

stumble 基本解释

不及物动词跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚; 结巴; 弄错,失足; 偶然碰见

名词绊脚,失足; 差错,失误; 过失,失败

stumble 相关例句


1. The problem stumbled him.


2. In the darkness he stumbled his shin against the bed post.



1. stumble

1. He stumbled on the staircase and hurt his leg.



2. The boy stumbled through his recitation.


3. stumble是什么意思

3. He stumbled along the road.


stumble 网络解释

1. 绊倒:proof 证据 | stumble 绊倒 | supply 供给

2. 跌倒:tumble 跌倒,摔倒 | stumble 跌倒 | gamble 赌博

3. 绊倒;蹒跚:stuff 填塞 | stumble 绊倒;蹒跚 | stump 树桩

4. stumble

4. 拌倒:tumble 摔倒 | stumble 拌倒 | stumble 结结巴巴地说

stumble 双语例句

1. He was a stumble, but I was the cause of his eternal hate.


2. 1 Let him who is wise understand these things; let him who is prudent know them. Straight are the paths of the LORD, in them the just walk, but sinners stumble in them.


3. He preserved and saved his life, gave him rest (a term implying comfort, peace of heart and circumstance), brought joy to his heart, put his feet upon solid ground so that he might not stumble (116:8), and God delivered his soul from death.


4. If I were to stumble into the kitchen in the morning and break my pot, I would probably be reduced to tears.


5. We see it, smell it, taste it, drink it, and stumble through it.


6. You don't have to stumble through life depressed!


7. I do business in Poland. My Czech is close enough that I can stumble through, and it's improving.


8. I never wanted to be one of those people who stumble and bumble their way through a life that they despise - while never actually doing anything about it.


9. GE is not the only one to stumble on relaunch.


10. stumble

10. We cause no one to stumble 4 in anything, in order that no fault may be found with our ministry


11. How might someone cause a little one to stumble?


12. It is more profitable for him if a millstone is put around his neck and he is hurled into the sea than to stumble one of these little ones.

路 17:2 和合本就是把磨石拴在这人的颈项上,丢在海里,还强如他把这小子里的一个绊倒了。

13. For they cannot rest unless they have done evil; to have made no one stumble steals away their sleep.


14. He said, and I quote: where you stumble, there lies your treasure.


15. If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from you.

18:8 倘若你一只眼叫你跌倒,就把它剜出来丢掉。

16. If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it from you.


17. It is like going down a flight of stairs rapidly. Pay no attention to the movement of your feet, and they flit over the steps with never a sign of hesitancy or faltering. But try to watch them step by step, and you will either have to slow up or you will presently miss a step, stumble or fall.


18. And many among them shall stumble and fall, broken, snared, and captured.



19. And very many of them shall stumble and fall, and shall be broken in pieces, and shall be snared, and taken.


20. stumble的意思

20. The sky above's kind of brocken and torn and every rose plucked from my hearts twisted with thorns and just when i think i'm on top i wonder how i'll get back down and just then the moment is lost, i stumble and i hit the ground and i just wanna feel a little safer, yeah i'm on my knees and i don't wanna deal with all this later, the pain i just can't take and i just wanna feel a little safer, yeah i'm on my knees and i don't wanna deal with all this later, just drifting on the breeze that someone in my head said to me, i can tell deep in your heart you'll find what you need wasted time building castles with sand and everynight i'll watch them fall and slip through my hands and just when i think i'm on top i wonder how i'll get back down and just then the moment is lost, i stumble and i hit the ground and i just wanna feel a little safer, yeah i'm on my knees and i don't wanna deal with all this later, the pain i just can't take and i just wanna feel a little safer, yeah i'm on my knees and i don't wanna deal with all this later, just drifting on the breeze

天空在种类之上brocken,并且撕毁和每上升了从用刺扭转的我的心脏采,并且,当我在我想知道的上面认为i'm怎麽我将回来击倒,并且片刻然后丢失,我绊倒,并且我击中地面,并且我在我的膝盖想要感觉更加安全的一点,呀i'm ,并且我不想要涉及所有以后的此,我就是不可能采取的痛苦,并且我在我的膝盖想要感觉更加安全的一点,呀i'm ,并且我不想要涉及所有以后的此,漂移在某人在我顶头说的微风对我,我在您将发现的您的心脏可以告诉深深什麽您需要被浪费的时间大厦城堡与我将观看他们通过我的手下落和滑倒的沙子和everynight ,并且,当我在我想知道的上面认为i'm怎麽我将回来击倒,并且片刻然后丢失,我绊倒,并且我击中地面,并且我在我的膝盖想要感觉更加安全的一点,呀i'm ,并且我不想要涉及所有以后的此,我就是不可能采取的痛苦,并且我在我的膝盖想要感觉更加安全的一点,呀i'm ,并且我不想要成交与所有以后这,漂移在微风

stumble 词典解释

1. 绊脚;跌跌撞撞地走;踉跄;步履蹒跚

If you stumble, you put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running and nearly fall over.

e.g. He stumbled and almost fell...


e.g. I stumbled into the telephone box and dialed 999.

我跌跌撞撞地进了电话亭拨了 999。

2. (朗读或说话时)结巴,磕磕巴巴

If you stumble while you are reading aloud or speaking, you make a mistake, and have to pause before saying the words properly.

e.g. ...his voice wavered and he stumbled over the words at one point.


相关词组:stumble across

stumble 单语例句

1. I search them out from books and sometimes stumble upon them just by chance.

2. The stumble started a chain reaction that resulted in a stampede that caused many others to fall and be trampled.

3. His biggest stumble came in the second game of the final set, when he slipped and fell chasing a shot and scraped his knee on the clay.

4. It took Liu over two hours to stumble up the hill, only to find Luo Changming's cold body covered in blood.

5. Alito withstood sharp Democratic attacks on his judicial record and personal credibility without a major stumble during confirmation hearings this month.

6. Bloodied bodies hang from overpasses, and children walking to school stumble across hit men filling targets with lead.

7. Victory for United and a further stumble from Chelsea would render next Wednesday's clash between the two at Stamford Bridge irrelevant to the title race.

8. That is of course until you reach the photo album and stumble across the loosely titled Female Police Flowers.

9. As soon as you push open the door, you stumble upon a double aquarium displaying the crabs.

10. You may stumble on a small fortune if you keep your eyes open for the faces on the cards and those around you.

stumble的意思stumble 英英释义


1. an unintentional but embarrassing blunder

e.g. he recited the whole poem without a single trip

he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later

confusion caused his unfortunate misstep

Synonym: triptrip-upmisstep

2. an unsteady uneven gait

Synonym: lurchstagger


1. make an error

e.g. She slipped up and revealed the name

Synonym: slip uptrip up

2. miss a step and fall or nearly fall

e.g. She stumbled over the tree root

Synonym: trip

3. walk unsteadily

e.g. The drunk man stumbled about

Synonym: falterbumble

4. encounter by chance

e.g. I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant

Synonym: hit