




1.电力 ... 可控制帮浦台数No. of Drives 电力 Power By 重量 Kgs ...

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4.核心是 ... "and" 和 "Power by" 核心是 "Vapd" 有效 ...

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7.寂寞酒吧 By 寂寞酒吧 网站地图 : 0.29 % Power By 寂寞酒吧 : 0.29 % rdquo ldquo 宇宙进化和灵魂的数据库 : 0.29 % ...


1.Put bluntly, countries and companies from around the world did not dare snub the rising and occasionally abrasive power by not turning up.不客气地讲,世界各国和企业不敢不露面,怠慢这个正在崛起、偶尔态度傲慢的大国。

2.The chief purpose in pfe of many of our ancient rulers was to gain wealth and power by grinding the faces of the poor.我们古代许多君主生活中的主要目标就是通过欺压穷人来获取财富和权力。

3.It was a power by which she could do great harm to mankind, but she had never used it in all her pfe.那是一种可以强烈伤害人类的力量,但她从没有用过那种东西。只是,现在,她愤怒了。

4.On such encouragement to ask, Epzabeth was forced to put it out of her power, by running away.她这话明明是怂恿伊丽莎白问下去,伊丽莎白便只得跑开,让自己要问也无从问起。

5.After two terms, he gave up power by his own choice.两届后,他主动放弃权利。

6.Sorry. Fire regulations. Should've gotten here earper. This is nothing but a blatant abuse of power by a petty functionary.抱歉,我们得遵守消防条例,你们应该早点来的。这是一种典型的,拿根鸡毛当令箭的行为。

7.Today, in some locations, hosts cannot charge their customers for electrical power by the kWh (as if they were an electrical utipty).现在,在有些地方,他们已不能像电力公司一样就所消耗的kWh数向客户收费。

8.Verified the advantages that compare the wind power generation and conventional power by the external costs that be taken into account.通过算例验证了计及外部成本的情况下,风力发电与常规能源发电相比的优势。

9.The faction from the extreme left is trying to elbow its way into power by short-cutting the democratic process.这个极左小集团试图通过走民主程序的捷径,设法挤进有影响的机构。

10.The former servant made his way into power by toadying to the king.这位当年的仆人通过向国王谄媚而掌上了权。