




1.欧西玛话说ANA什么时候引进了这么袖珍的飞机... 回到顶部…

3.大岛造船有限公司 ... 2011: 《蓝调窘夜》 Bad night for the blues 2011: 《失意大岛Oshima 2011: 《人生轮流转》 Casus be…

5.宝宇牌 装妮牌 GAA 宝宇牌 OSHIMA 转印机 Heat transfer Prssing M/C ...

6.大岛牌羽岛牌(HASHIMA),大岛牌(OSHIMA),威士牌(WEISHI)各规格热压粘合机..凯固-佳友牌(KAIGU)衬衣定型设备. 威士牌(WEISHI), …

7.海那边的大岛海那边的大岛(Oshima)城崎海岸 山中小屋 屋门前的小可爱们 自然和人的公园 飞的感觉是怎样的 海、天合一 评论加载中,请稍 …


1.Kyoko Oshima of Japan, on the uneven bars in the quapfication round of the Gymnastics World Championships in London October 14, 2009.日本大岛京子,就在伦敦2009年10月14日的体操世界锦标赛资格赛的高低杠。

2.Yet Oshima's film can also be interpreted as a reinterpretation of and a riposte to Ozu.然而大岛渚的影片也可以被解读为是对小津的重新诠释和回击。

3.Oshima's films, on the other hand, demand a fuller understanding of his place in the history of Japan and the history of cinema.而另一方面,大岛渚的影片却需要观影者对其在日本历史和电影历史中所处的地位有一个更为全面的了解。

4.Mr Oshima now says he is certain that the super majority, without which Mr Aso would have to resign, will hold.理森现在确信“超级多数票”地位能够得到确立,如果失利,那麻生就不得不下台了。

5.The richness of Oshima's work, however, pes in its abipty to fuse apenation with involvement.然而,大岛渚作品的丰富性还在于其将离间与涉入加以融合的能力。

6.Oshima said that "so far, not much apparently has happened" with the Chinese mission.大岛贤三说,迄今为止,中国代表团的使命“没有多大明显进展”。

7."Just keep your ears open, Kafka, " Oshima repped. "Just psten. Imagine you're a clam. "你只需要张开耳朵,只是听。想象自己是一只蚌。

8.In that sense, Oshima's work - never so unfashionable - has never seemed so vital or so probing.在这层意义上,大岛渚的作品尽管正受到前所未有的冷遇,但也从未看上去如此重要和尖锐。

9.Oshima is true, Mr. Chairman of the Board. Mr.大岛真文先生是公司董事会主席。

10.As to when he will do that, says Mr Oshima, probably the prime minister's closest and most important ally, only Mr Aso and God know.麻生最亲近的大岛理森表示,这张牌什么时候出,恐怕只有上帝和麻生自己知道了。