

eucalyptus:[英 [ˌju:kəˈlɪptəs] 美 [ˌjukəˈlɪptəs] ]


  复数形式:eucalyptuses; eucalyptus;

eucalyptus 基本解释

名词桉树; 桉属植物

eucalyptus 网络解释


1. 桉树:例如罗素-克洛(RUSSELL CROWE)、凯特-布兰奇特(Cate Blanchett)、托妮-克莱特(Toni Collette)、希思-莱吉尔(Heath Ledger)、盖伊-皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)和杰弗里-拉什(Geoffrey Rush)等人纷纷盟生了回澳洲工作,促进祖国电影事业发展的愿望,罗素和杰弗里将联合出演一部低制作成本的影片(Eucalyptus),凯特-布

2. 尤加利:10YDS-118 迷迭香(Rosemary) 消除疲劳、使人精力充沛 预防皱纹、紧实肌肤 舒缓头痛、抗风湿、利尿 痛经、怀孕期间避免使用 ¥110YDS-119 尤加利(Eucalyptus) 使头脑清醒、集中记忆力 对脓疮炎症有显著功效 抗风湿、止痛、预防感冒 浓度高,

3. 尤加利精油:尤加利精油(Eucalyptus)简述:减轻腹部绞痛或生理痛,治疗气喘、咽喉痛,预防感冒,利退烧,缓解发炎症状,心绞痛、呼吸系统、糖尿病、风湿痛,降低血糖,治疗及预防肺部疾病(如支气管炎、结核病),利尿,抗感染,清除血液杂质并能改善日渐老化的肌肤.

eucalyptus 双语例句

1. Ingredients: Arbutin 2%, Electrodialyzed Deep Sea Water, Mink Oil, Emu Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Calendula Officinalis Flower Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia Fiower Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis Oil, Daucus Carota Sativa Seed Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Ubiquinone Ferment, Squalene, Sodium Hyaluronate, Retinol, Glycine Soya Phytoplacenta Extract, Ceramide, Panthenol, Allantoin, Melaleuca Alternifolia Extract, Rosa Damascena Flower Extract, Propolis Extract, Centella asiatica L.

主要成分:含熊果苷2%,海洋深层水,水貂油,Emu Oil,Borage Seed Oil,金盏菊花油,薰衣草油,迷迭香精油,胡萝卜素油,蓝桉叶油,天竹葵香薰精油,卵磷脂,维生素E,水解胶原蛋白,辅酶Q10,角鲨烯,透明质酸钠,视黄醇,甘氨酸大豆提取物,神经酰胺,D-L泛醇,尿囊素,互叶白千层提取物,玫瑰果油,突厥蔷薇,蜂胶,积雪草,黄芩,甘草,金银花瓢虫,银杏叶,人参,洋甘菊,葛根等提取物

2. Ingredients: Electrodialyzed Deep Sea Water, Disodium Laureth sulfosuccinate, Coco-Betaine, Mink Oil, Emu Oil, Jojoba Oil, Calendula Officinalis Flower Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia Fiower Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Daucus Carota Sativa Seed Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Ubiquinone Ferment, Squalene, Sodium Hyaluronate, Retinol, Glycine Soya Phytoplacenta Extract, Ceramide, Panthenol, Allantoin, Melaleuca Alternifolia Extract, Rosa Damascena Flower Extract, Propolis Extract, Morus alba L.

主要成分:含海洋深层水,Disodium Laureth sulfosuccinate,可可甜菜碱,水貂油,Emu Oil,Borage Seed Oil,金盏菊花油,薰衣草油,迷迭香精油,玫瑰果油,胡萝卜素油,蓝桉叶油,天竹葵香薰精油,卵磷脂,维生素E,水解胶原蛋白,弹性蛋白水解,辅酶Q10,角鲨烯,透明质酸钠,视黄醇,甘氨酸大豆提取物,神经酰胺,D-L泛醇,尿囊素,互叶白千层提取物,突厥蔷薇,蜂胶,薄荷,芝麻,何首乌,银杏叶,枸杞,荨麻腿子属,洋甘菊,葛根等提取物

3. This is one of the largest trees in this area of the forest - it's a Eucalyptus regnans, the mountain ash and this one we estimate to be over four hundred years old.


4. eucalyptus

4. Eucalyptus leaves Zhiduoweixiang, contains eucalyptus and water fennel terpene brain, therefore, koala, who always exudes a kind of Fu Yu Hsiang smell of eucalyptus leaves.


5. Koala: An arboreal Australian marsupial that has dense grayish fur, large ears, and sharp claws and feeds chiefly on the leaves of eucalyptus trees.


6. The results showed that compared with the unburned field, species number of woody heliophilous plant seedlings increased in the burned field, mainly including seedling sprouts of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Eucalyptus robusta, Quercus fabric and Camellia oleifera.

结果表明:与未火烧林地相比,火烧迹地内阳生木本植物幼苗物种种数增加,更新苗主要以杉木、桉树(Eucalyp-tus robusta)、白栎、油茶等萌生枝为主。

7. eucalyptus的翻译

7. Ingredients: Natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil purified water and sodium hydroxide.

成份 :天然有机鳄梨油,橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,篦痲油,白樟脑,薄荷精油,尤加利精油,天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

8. Ingredients: Fresh Artemsia argyi leaves extract, natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil purified water and sodium hydroxide.

成份 :鲜穿心莲叶萃取物,天然有机鳄梨油,橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,篦痲油,白樟脑,薄荷精油,尤加利精油,天然泉水和氢氧化钠。

9. eucalyptus

9. Paniculata leaves extract, natural organic oil (avocado, olive, palm, coconut, castor natural essential oil (white camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil purified water and sodium hydroxide.

成份 :鲜对叶豆叶萃取物,天然有机鳄梨油,橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,篦痲油,茶树精油,薄荷精油,尤加利精油,天然泉水和氢氧化钠。


10. The results indicated that the bacteria species in Eucalyptus plantation soil are relatively abundance. Further sequence analysis showed that the dominant bacteria in this Eucalyptus plantation soil were Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria which was 40% and 27%, respectively.


11. eucalyptus

11. SNP-based associa-tion genetics analysis or LD mapping has become a useful tool for dissection of complex traits in forest trees. Association studies in Eucalyptus spp. and Pinus taeda L. found that some SNP sites in various genes were associated with distinct wood property traits.

基于SNP的关联遗传学分析或连锁不平衡(Linkage disequilibrium,LD)作图,已成为研究林木复杂数量性状的理想工具,对桉树和火炬松的关联遗传学研究发现,多个基因内的SNP位点与不同的木材性状相关联。

12. Some ingredients added to the water, eg menthol, eucalyptus, camphor, thymol and pine oil also give a sensation of clearing the passageways.


13. eucalyptus什么意思

13. Sugar gliders also consume plants and sweeter foods such as acacia gum and eucalyptus sap.


14. eucalyptus的意思

14. Thereinto, the content of eucalyptus oil was the most with 27.20%, the next was Terpinen-4-OL (21.27%), N-methyl-laurotetanine (6.32%), Hepladecanoic acid (4.33%), Phytol (3.53%), Ether linoleic acid (3.45%), 2, 6-dimethyl-2, 6-octadiene (2.96%) and so on.


15. Step 1: Take a hot bath with 5 drops of essentialoil of Eucalyptus radiata and 5 drops of essential oil of tea tree.


16. Any of a number of trees which have similar timber or foliage, in particularseveral Australian eucalyptus trees (genus Eucalyptus, family Myrtaceae)the tropical American Venezuelan or West Indian box (Casearia praecox, family Flacourtiaceae), the timber of which has now largely replaced that of the European box

木材或树叶相似的树,尤指澳大利亚桉树南美委内瑞拉或西印度群岛的早生脚骨脆(拉丁名Casearia praecox,大风子科),早生脚骨脆木材已大量替代欧洲黄杨木

17. eucalyptus

17. Several Australian eucalyptus trees (genus Eucalyptus, family Myrtaceae) the tropical American Venezuelan or West Indian box (Casearia praecox, family Flacourtiaceae), the timber of which has now largely replaced that of the European box

澳大利亚桉树南美委内瑞拉或西印度群岛的早生脚骨脆(拉丁名Casearia praecox,大风子科),早生脚骨脆木材已大量替代欧洲黄杨木


18. The sweet gum, sour gum, and some Australian eucalyptus trees are gum trees.


19. The method referring to proliferation of eucalyptus described in this paper combined with both of in vitro tissue culture and epicormic shoot cutting, it could become an origihal version of technique for production of eucalyptus on large—scale.



20. This moment sunshine bright, down the roof quiet, passes 17f, 16f, 15f, settling on the tree of 5f Maple or eucalyptus unclear Or boxtree Whirls his body away with a flock of leaves. Slim feet hua-la-la Slim childish feet rush So swift, So swift, this moment sunshine bright, As the broad road to nice mind A bright bus. Even though sunshine is not bright at all I still wanna Write a poem for love My love poems start from the 7 a. m. Sun A lot flock of leaves hua-la-laly Fall, childish little feet run so Cheerfully.

此刻阳光明媚,从屋顶慢慢照下来,一路穿过 17层,16层,15层,一直到5层的树上分不清枫树、桉树还是大叶黄杨树阳光从树身上走了一圈,拉走了一群树叶细细的脚哗啦啦细细的孩子们的脚啊跑得那么快那么快,此刻阳光明媚漂亮得像造出好心情的宽阔马路干净公交车即使阳光不明媚不漂亮我还是要写一首相爱之诗我的相爱之诗从早晨7点钟的太阳开始——一大群树叶哗啦啦落下,孩子们的小脚跑得多欢啊

eucalyptus 词典解释

1. 桉树(原产于加拿大)

A eucalyptus is an evergreen tree, originally from Australia, that is grown to provide wood, gum, and an oil that is used in medicines.


eucalyptus 单语例句

1. He was quoted by Beijing News as saying the massive planting of eucalyptus will bring disaster to the local ecotype.

2. " We are all encouraged to plant eucalyptus for APP, " he said.

3. Rescue teams rushed into the cars to evacuate the wounded, some of whom were treated under eucalyptus trees flanking the tracks.

4. The spa journey starts with an uplifting foot ritual using eucalyptus leaves and essential oils.

5. One official said he feared the eucalyptus would lower the water table and disrupt the local ecology.

6. The natural ingredients such as eucalyptus and lemongrass have an energizing effect on the spring skin.

7. Regardless if APP is directly involved or not, local citizens know Hainan is vacating land for APP's eucalyptus.

8. After settling in with some jasmine tea, our treatment began with a Eucalyptus foot bath.

9. He suggested that eucalyptus trees be substituted by southern plants such as bamboo.

10. Zhong said APP's Hainan plant needs to consume a huge amount of timber, and the existing eucalyptus forest APP is planting cannot meet that demand.

eucalyptus 英英释义


1. a tree of the genus Eucalyptus

Synonym: eucalypteucalyptus tree

2. wood of any of various eucalyptus trees valued as timber