




1.民主自由 Category: 未分类 Democracy and Freedom民主和自由) ...

3.我们一样热爱自由民主多非台湾出生、甚至从未践履过台湾土地的海外侨胞,和我们一样热爱自由民主Democracy and Freedom),一样崇尚和 …


1.Science advocates academic democracy and freedom, but Evolutionism is above suspicion. Evolutionism, just a theory, is described as a fact.三是不容置疑的缺憾:科学主张学术民主和争鸣自由,进化论却不容人们质疑;

2.'I think of two words: democracy and freedom, ' he said when asked about the U. S.当问到他对美国的看法时,他说,我想到了两个词:民主和自由。

3."Our message is the United States bepeves in democracy and freedom, " he said.布什总统说:“我们所要传达的讯息是美国人民崇尚民主和自由。”

4.Democracy and freedom are too often confounded. Britain itself did not have anything close to democracy until the Reform Act of 1832.英国人明智地给了香港人自由,但他们可能也基于同样的智慧,没让香港尝试民主。

5.At the time, it was the seventh straight day of mass demonstrations demanding democracy and freedom in the Czechoslovakian capital.当时,这是首都要求民主和自由的连续第七天群众游行。

6.and helped those on the left who still say that America, for all its recent flaws, can be a guarantor of democracy and freedom.奥巴马也促使那些持左立场的人们仍然信任美国——尽管近来犯了不少错误——它依然是民主和自由的最后担保人。

7.Wen Jiabao said: "The people's wishes for, and needs for, democracy and freedom are irresistible. "人民对民主和自由之向往和需求是不可阻挡的。

8.Due to different cultural backgrounds, China fears to copy the American way of democracy and freedom.由于不同文化背景,中国担心仿效美国式的自由民主。

9.My friends, comrades, and fellow South Africans: I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy, and freedom for all.我的朋友们、同志们和南非同胞们:我以和平、民主和全人类自由的名义,向你们大家致意。

10.All they wanted was democracy and freedom. What was the crime of all these people he killed?人民想要的是只是民主和自由。被杀害的所有这些人到底有什么罪过?