

number:[英 [ˈnʌmbə(r)] 美 [ˈnʌmbɚ] ]


过去式:numbered;   过去分词:numbered;   现在分词:numbering;   复数形式:numbers;

number 基本解释

名词数量; 号码; 数字; 编号

动词标号; 总计; 把…算作

number 相关词组


1. beyond number : 多得数不清;

2. any number of : 许多;

3. a number of : 若干;

4. opposite number : n. 对应的人, 对应的物;

5. to the number of : 达到...的数目;

6. in number : 总共, 在数字上;

number 相关例句


1. number的解释

1. The books in the library number in the thousands.


2. number什么意思

2. Several eminent scientists number among his friends.



1. Casualties numbered in the thousands.



1. Strength lies in numbers.


2. number的解释

2. A smaller number of families may raise children.


3. Her numbers were well received.


number 情景对话



A:Please send a cab to the Hilton Hotel.



B:Your name and your cellphone number, please?



A:My name is Li Ming, phone number is 13900000000.



B:When do you want this service?



A:Tomorrow moring at 8:00 o’clock.



A:Is this the Central Park to East Market bus?


B:This is the East Market to Central Park bus. Where do you want to go?


A:To the Municipal Government Hall.


B:Take the same number bus going in the other direction. There’s a stop right across the street.


A:Thank you.



A:Dr. Lees office.


B:Hello, I have a bad headache. Id like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.May I make an appointment now?


A:Yes, but Dr. Lees schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?


B:Thats fine. I think I can wait till then.


A:May I have your name and number, please?


B:The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.


A:Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.


number 网络解释

1. 个数:是指托运人将货物移交给承运人办理装运时,由承运人签发给托运人的书面文书,通常代表了运输...二、 数量 (一) 数量的计算方法和度量衡制度 1、 国际贸易合同中通常采用的数量计算方法有:重量(weight )、个数(number)、面积(area)

2. number:num; 数目,号码

3. number:n; 编号


4. number:no.; 号

number 双语例句

1. For the number that I`ll wear in the NBA, I`m keeping it a secret for right now…what I can tell you is I`m already planning it.


2. That Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of what is now only a very small number of resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, it was a new one for me and I was absolutely delighted at having been able to see it as I had no site for the species (though it did take a seven hour wait!).


3. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


4. Elegant prosperous is passed such upgrade ceaselessly, turn similar Yamaxun into such number finally publication company.


5. After treatment must first focus on sun, a large number of UV-exposure recovery period allows you to produce pigmentation of the skin, so that pock color and heavier, stay longer, it would be inappropriate for prolonged outdoor activities.



6. But a number of candidates would be unable to stand for office.


7. The number of the adults and nymphae of psocids at the surface of the stored wheat was as many as that at the inner of stored wheat when the temperature was 15℃, the number of the psocids at the surface of the stored wheat would exceed the psocids number at the inner when the temperature exceed 20℃.


8. This year has just moved into new, I feel pretty good, it is conducive to learning, all very convenient, but the days gradually to enter the winter, unfortunately, it does not heat the building in winter, to heat, then, it is necessary to 800, 000 cross-network charges, the number of really good big ah!


9. Shield Block is lasting for the full duration of the spell regardless of number of successful blocks made.


10. The width of the piston ring and adoption of the number of rings in the form of orientation and other factors.


11. In such cases, a number of treatment approaches can be applied to recover from hair loss.


12. South Korea LED warning lights a number of sound and light alarm.


13. number的反义词

13. So far a number of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to varying degrees to preserve the primitive religion and the concept of the practice of Shamanism and left vulgar.


14. The company has a number of outstanding management and technical personnel.


15. The company has a number of outstanding professionals, able to provide customers with satisfactory service.


16. I fell in love dawn IT at Number1 sight.



17. In chap.3, we will extend themodel of the large bipolaron introduced by Verbist et al to arbitrary Ndimensions, calculate the bipolaron characteristics such as the ground-state energy, effective mass, average number of virtual phonons, andradius, and plot the figure of the bipolaron stability region.


18. A number of options control which fields appear on these lists and the appearance of extra features like date drill-downs, search fields, and filter interfaces.


19. Section 3 presents a number of other avenues of research that have been argued to bear on the innateness of language, and shows how recent empirical research about language learning and the brain may challenge the nativist position.


20. You can get a rough idea by dividing the amount due on the electric bill by the number of kilowatt-hours used that month.


number 词典解释

1. 数;数字

A number is a word such as 'two', 'nine', or 'twelve', or a symbol such as 1, 3, or 47. You use numbers to say how many things you are referring to or where something comes in a series.

e.g. No, I don't know the room number...


e.g. Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street...


2. (同 large 或 small 连用,表示约数)数量,数目

You use number with words such as 'large' or 'small' to say approximately how many things or people there are.

e.g. Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on...


e.g. I have had an enormous number of letters from single parents...


3. 若干/许多

If there are a number of things or people, there are several of them. If there are any number of things or people, there is a large quantity of them.

e.g. I seem to remember that Sam told a number of lies...


e.g. There must be any number of people in my position.


4. (排名)第…号

You can refer to someone's or something's position in a list of the most successful or most popular of a particular type of thing as, for example, number one or number two.


e.g. ...the world number one, Tiger Woods...


e.g. Before you knew it, the single was at Number 90 in the US singles charts...


5. 总计;计有

If a group of people or things numbers a particular total, that is how many there are.

e.g. They told me that their village numbered 100...


e.g. This time the dead were numbered in hundreds, not dozens.


6. 电话号码

A number is the series of numbers that you dial when you are making a telephone call.

e.g. Sarah sat down and dialled a number.


e.g. ...a list of names and telephone numbers...


7. 一段音乐;一首歌曲;一支舞

You can refer to a short piece of music, a song, or a dance as a number .

e.g. ...'Unforgettable', a number that was written and performed in 1951...


e.g. Responsibility for the dance numbers was split between Robert Alton and the young George Balanchine.


8. 把…算作;把…归入

If someone or something is numbered among a particular group, they are believed to belong in that group.

e.g. The Leicester Swannington Railway is numbered among Britain's railway pioneers...


e.g. He numbered several Americans among his friends.


9. 把…编号;给…标号

If you number something, you mark it with a number, usually starting at 1.

e.g. He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one...


e.g. Each factor has been numbered.


10. see also: opposite number;prime number;serial number

11. 寿命不长;时日无多

If you say that someone's or something's days are numbered, you mean that they will not survive or be successful for much longer.

e.g. Critics believe his days are numbered because audiences are tired of watching him.


12. …中的一员

One of your number is a member of your group.

e.g. Scientists like the idea that one of their number is close to the seat of power...


e.g. One of our number has made a very interesting design of flooring, which has won a prize.


13. (非法的)彩票赌博,博彩

If you refer to the numbers game ,the numbers racket, or the numbers, you are referring to an illegal lottery or illegal betting.

14. safety in numbers -> see safety

number 单语例句number

1. An increasing number of Chinese companies have been aware of the value of enterprise data warehouses that can greatly improve their business efficiency.

2. The export business sentiment index below 100 indicates that the number of companies forecasting exports will deteriorate outnumbered those expecting improvement.

3. Loan amounts would be tied to the number of employees a business hires, he added.

4. Zhao Benshan is one of a growing number of celebrities who attend business management programs.

5. They can publish the registration number for their business charters on the Web page of their online stores.

6. An investigation found the delegation also tampered with business travel routes, adding a number of additional destination countries.

7. Ni said that in a number of cases busted in southwestern China, dealers were found to have been using pregnant women to carry drugs.

8. The number of singles has been on the rise in the southern metropolis, as young people are too busy working to find their ideal partner.

9. Chinese airlines are the target of a rising number of complaints about frequent delays, especially in busy terminals like Beijing and Shanghai.

10. But as the number of sales drops, prices continue to climb.

number 英英释义


1. an item of merchandise offered for sale

e.g. she preferred the black nylon number

this sweater is an all-wool number

2. a clothing measurement

e.g. a number 13 shoe

3. the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals

e.g. he had a number of chores to do

the number of parameters is small

the figure was about a thousand

Synonym: figure

4. the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural)

e.g. in English the subject and the verb must agree in number

5. a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification

e.g. she refused to give them her Social Security number

Synonym: identification number

6. the number is used in calling a particular telephone

e.g. he has an unlisted number

Synonym: phone numbertelephone number

7. one of a series published periodically

e.g. she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room

Synonym: issue

8. a symbol used to represent a number

e.g. he learned to write the numerals before he went to school

Synonym: numeral

9. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program

e.g. he did his act three times every evening

she had a catchy little routine

it was one of the best numbers he ever did

Synonym: actroutineturnbit

10. a select company of people

e.g. I hope to become one of their number before I die

11. a concept of quantity involving zero and units

e.g. every number has a unique position in the sequence


1. place a limit on the number of

Synonym: keep down

2. enumerate

e.g. We must number the names of the great mathematicians

Synonym: list

3. determine the number or amount of

e.g. Can you count the books on your shelf?

Count your change

Synonym: countenumeratenumerate

4. give numbers to

e.g. You should number the pages of the thesis

5. add up in number or quantity

e.g. The bills amounted to $2,000

The bill came to $2,000

Synonym: totaladd upcomeamount

6. put into a group

e.g. The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members

Synonym: count