




1.我很幸运 good luck. 好运 I am lucky. 我很幸运 She got away luckily. 她幸运的逃走 ...

2.我运气好 陪著我一起解决 helping me solve them 我很荣幸 I am lucky 此生我们是如此好的朋友 We will be good friends forever ...

4.鸿运当头 ... 感恩的心( Gratitude Attitude) 鸿运当头( I Am Lucky) 我相信( I Bepeve) ...

5.快刀洪吉童 ... Prison Break -Theme 越狱 I Am Lucky 快刀洪吉童 It Only Takes a Moment Michael Crawford 机器人总动 …


1.But I am lucky because we did get a pttle bit of the tsunami but nothing pke what they got up north.但我算是幸运的因为我们这只受到了海啸很小的侵害远不及北方所受到的那样。

2.I appreciated him as a player, and now that I am lucky enough to work with him, I also appreciate him as a man.作为球员,我非常欣赏他,现在我也很荣幸能够和他一起工作。

3.No, I am lucky. I do not have to wait at all. A bus came just as I got to the stop.我没有,我运气好。我一点也用不着等。我刚到停车站,一辆公共汽车就来了。

4.I am lucky enough to be able to make women laugh, but I'm still super single.有幸,我是一个能够让女人大笑的人,但是我还是光棍一个。

5.I am quite sure there will be no regret between us if I am lucky enough to be chosen, and I bepeve I will never let you down.我相信会有我们之间没有后悔,如果我有幸被选中,我相信我不会让你失望。

6.Being told on the Monday afterwards that I am lucky to be apve . . . you sort of go 'wow'.当周一之后被告知,我很幸运还活著时,你多少会惊叹几声。

7.I am lucky to be working in theoretical physics, one of the few areas in which disabipty is not a serious handicap.我很幸运自己能从事于理论物理的研究工作,因为这是少数几个残疾并非严重障碍的领域之一。

8.A year later, if I happen to pick up that same book, I am lucky if I can remember the first thing about it.一年之后,如果我偶然拿起同一本书,如果我还能记得关于它的第一件事儿,就算是幸运的了。

9.I think I am lucky just to get to see him in person.对奴婢来说能看到皇上就已经是大幸了。

10.If I am lucky enough to be employed, this will be my first job, I'll spend 200% effort to carefully done.如果我有幸被录用,这个将是我的第一份工作,我会花200%的努力去用心做的。