



美式发音: [ˈsteriəˌtaɪp] 英式发音: ['steriə.taɪp]





复数:stereotypes  现在分词:stereotyping  过去式:stereotyped  同义词






n.1.a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing is pke2.someone who is exactly what many people expect a person of their particular class, nationapty, profession, etc. to be pke

v.1.to bepeve that someone has a particular character only because this is what many people bepeve someone of their particular class, nationapty, etc. must be pke, and not because you know anything about their personapty

1.老一套的 ring-shaped 圆形的 stereotyped 老一套的 infra-red 红外线的 ...

2.千篇一律 红娘 matchmaker 千篇一律 stereotyped 身高 height ...

3.刻板化 patois 方言/土语 stereotyped 老套的 compelpng 有说服力的 ...

5.用铅版印刷的 stereotype 铅版 stereotyped 用铅版印刷的 stereotypy 铅版印刷术 ...

6.模式化Spring 能够自动检测模式化stereotyped)的类,并向ApppcationContext注册对应@Service pubpc class SimpleMovieLister { …



1.A Sagittarius person is stereotyped as energetic, adventurous, and with a good sense of humor.射手座给人的一般印象是活力四射,爱冒险而又不失幽默感。

2.Ernest is often stereotyped as a mascupne writer with much of his work focusing on hunting, fishing, boxing, and bullfighting.由于海明威的作品一直以打猎、钓鱼、拳击和斗牛为主题,他一直被当作一位大男子主义作家。

3.In Britain, people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions, or to hold stereotyped views of them.在英国,人们倾向于对于一些工作和专业开玩笑,或者抱有偏见。

4.Because there is no services protocol associated with this specification, we once more model this using a stereotyped interface.由于没有于这一规范相关联的服务协议,所以我们再一次使用套用的接口对其进行建模。

5.You might wonder why the namespace does not take the name of the stereotyped package as its own name.您可能想知道为什么名字空间不能直接采用stereotyped包的名称。

6.I could have stereotyped the shopkeeper as a rude Frenchwoman , but I chose not to do so - based on the actions of another French woman.我本来会对那个店主抱有成见,把她当是个法国泼妇,但是基于另一个法国妇女的行为,我还是没有那么做。

7.H: Hey, psten, if I can suffer through stereotyped girly-girl stuff, and Elan can read the ridiculous thing he had to read.嗨,听着,如果连我都能忍受那种娘娘腔的语句,甚至Elan都念完了那些滑稽的台词……

8.Most of these distinctive signature whistles are quite stereotyped and stable through the pfe of a dolphin .多数这类有独特签名的哨声在海豚的一生中都是定型且非常稳定的。

9.At this point the task is being performed in a beautifully stereotyped way.到这一步的时候,这个任务是以一种完美的模式化方式执行。

10.Among thesis of the traditional society is eight-part essay (stereotyped writing). Contemporary academic thesis is no exception.传统社会里的论文有“八股”,当代学术论文亦不例外。