




1.中文大师 「Chinese Master 汉语大 ...

3.国语教员 ... ) Chinese master 国语教员 ) a teacher of Engpsh 英语教员 ...



1."We're getting more Chinese master's students, and dramatically more freshmen, " he said.他说:“我们正在接纳更多的中国的硕士生当然也有很多大一新生。”

2.Jerry: Many Chinese master works have been translated into many languages. "Journey to the West" has also been reproduced as TV plays in US.很多中国名著都被翻译成多国语言,《西游记》在美国还被翻拍了电视剧。

3.Drinking tieguanyin tea, holding shipai png class Chinese master of painting is everywhere friends and customers, and recreation of health.喝抱石牌铁观音,赏国画大师的画作是海内外友人和消费者静心、健康的又一康乐。

4.Chinese Master Monks Fa Xian and Xuan Zang who made pilgrimage to Lumbini wrote in dairy that Lumbini is the birth place of Lord Buddha.兰毗尼作为佛祖释迦牟尼的诞生地,中国古代高僧法显和玄奘通过日记做了明确的记载。

5.Whether Chinese master Huangyonghong design, or landscape master class Japanese national treasure -- a total head-wide task is, come!无论是华人设计大师黄永洪,还是日本国宝级景观大师秋山宽――共智擘划,众志成城!

6.Similarly, in the interpretation of modern Chinese master huang bin-hong landscape paintings, we will also takes in mental clarity.同样的,在解读现代国画大师黄宾虹的山水画作时,我们也会茅塞顿开心智澄澈。

7.Xu Beihong (1895-1953), a celebrated Chinese master artist, was born in Jiangsu Province.徐悲鸿(1895-1953),江苏宜兴人,中国著名的绘画大师、美术教育家。

8.Ancient Chinese master in gardening中国古代园林匠师

9.Took part in the Century altar world art gallery's "2010 Chinese Master Painting Exhibition" ;2010年参加在世纪坛世界艺术馆举办的“2010中国油画名家邀请展”;

10.Took part in Hong Kong, China "Contemporary Chinese master Painting and Calpgraphy Art Exhibition" ;1997年参加中国香港“中国当代名家书画艺术展”;