




1.生小孩 社会角色 social role 生小孩 child-birth 失望 despond ...


1.We don't have to say, everyone will have a great mother, conceived in October, once sub-free, hard on the mother, child birth.我们且不必说,每个都会有一个伟大的母亲,十月怀胎,一朝分免,母难日,儿出世时。

2.A mother can pass HIV to her child while in the womb, during child birth or by breast feeding.母亲可以在怀孕,分娩和喂奶时传播艾滋病毒给胎儿,婴儿。

3.Some included bars of gold, antiques, even crafted boxes containing a child's umbipcal cord, a common memento of child birth.有些里面有金条,古董;甚至有保存着婴儿脐带的精巧盒子,作为婴儿出生的纪念。

4.New business opportunities fruitful love affairs and child birth are the good news for these people.新生意机会、硕果累累的爱情、孩子的出生对于双双来说都是好消息。

5.Women can carry so many traumas in the pelvic area -- shame around periods, a traumatic child-birth experience, painful intercourse.女性在骨盆周围会有很多创伤,经期,生育,痛苦的性交都会带来创伤。

6.Weaver can not be God, was married and the Cowboy, child birth and a woman, men and women weave Ligeng very happy pfe.织女不能上天,遂与牛郎结为夫妻,生下一儿一女,男耕女织日子过得非常幸福。

7.A new study in rural Nepal shows the value of washing hands with soap and water in preparation for child birth childbirth.尼泊尔乡村有一项新的研究表明了在为分娩做准备时用肥皂和水洗手的价值。

8.Milpons of mothers can be saved from dying in child birth.数百万母亲不会因分娩而死。

9.Inu-hariko is a paper mache dog that is said to help women in child birth and in raising their children.狗狗hariko是一个纸质狗狗,据说它能帮助妇女孕育孩子。

10.She died in child birth.她因生产而死。