

bewildering:[英 [bɪˈwɪldərɪŋ] [biˈwildəriŋ] ]


过去式:bewildered;   过去分词:bewildered;

bewildering 基本解释





bewildering 网络解释

1. 令人困惑的:bewilder 使迷惑 | bewildering 令人困惑的 | bewilderingly 令人困惑地

2. bewildering的反义词

2. 使人手足无措的:obsession 热门话题 | bewildering 使人手足无措的 | dirt-tracks 煤渣跑道

3. 令人困惑的, 使人混乱的:solitude n. 孤独 | bewildering 令人困惑的, 使人混乱的 | consensus n. 一致同意, 多数人的意见, 舆论

4. 使人混乱的:使人工化artificialize | 使人混乱的bewildering | 使人沮丧地discouraginglydishearteningly

bewildering 双语例句

1. I try to clear up the messy and disheveled mind full of bewildering concerns and worries, but to no avail.


2. Scepticism`s lack of thought about itself must vanish, because it is in fact one consciousness of itself, as self-liberating, unchangeable, and self-identical, and as self-bewildering and self-perverting, and it is the awareness of this self-contradictory nature of itself.


3. Historically, these are viewed as strange and bewildering, and very few people would be interested in the research.


4. At the end of this avenue there was an old arch and a clock-tower, with a stupid, bewildering clock, which had only one hand; and which jumped straight from one hour to the next, and was therefore always in extremes.


5. As a result, a preference of gray grows out in their bodies. Faced with uncertainties of being in contemporary society, they seem to be caught in an unprecedented bewildering situation.



6. A warm tide of feeling, bewildering, frightening, swept over her.


7. bewildering

7. The decorative costumes are worn by men taking part in wrestling matches as part of the Egremont Crab Fair in Cumbria, a festival established in 1387 and encompassing a bewildering array of parades and contests. As Tom Morton describes, `This D. H.


8. Sherry, wine and port flow like the Isis, with facts, anecdotes, bons mots and sparkling insights swirling past in a bewildering but entertaining array.


9. The country was beset by a bewildering number of cults and religions, including the worship of astral gods, fertility goddesses, genii and sacred stones


10. In 1949 Miss Baldwin published her impressions of those bewildering years of her return to a world in which the motorcar had replaced the horse and carriage and where respectable women showed their legs and painted their faces.


11. bewildering的近义词

11. So, perhaps our task in this shaky, fast-changing, bewildering world in which we live is to make music, at first with all that we have, and then, when that is no longer possible, to make music with what we have left.


12. bewildering的翻译

12. Their vision is clouded by a bewildering number of acronyms and proliferating'term sheets.


13. The joys of Shanghai, instead, are on the street level, where everyday life unfolds with bewildering variety. An elderly woman in pajamas will be chopping vegetables on the stoop of her lane house, while a Prada-clad beauty will sashay past on her way to a nearby art gallery.


14. In this movie, the adolescent feelings of confusion and bewildering affections of entanglement were expressed realistically and exquisitely. The complicated plot invited the reader's endless imagination, and the real but imaginary story aroused the audience`s constant emotional impulse.


15. So, perhaps our task in this shaky, fast-changing, bewildering world in which we live is to make music, at first with all that we have, and then, when that is no longer possible, to make music with what we have left


16. Keep it under 30 minutes long and you should be able to avoid the bewildering effects of longer naps.


17. Zhang紫妍bewildering suicide case, so many people are puzzled that such a beautiful star, because what will be easy to take things too hard and know their lives, and finally left at a contact with the outside world can not and interpretation of love, love this record of what in the end, all this like a猜不透the fans, it seems that no one can explain the reason, let the boiling point network television show you little by little declassified this matter!


18. What I see is a more intricate, bewildering future, which calls for higher wisdom before any solution is ever likely to emerge.


19. And the education that move and we exist in reality is antipathetic bewildering phenomenon.


20. Then I compared these with the Tibetan and Nepalese manuscripts I have on hand, still not much help except a handful of totally bewildering variations.


bewildering 词典解释

1. 令人困惑的;令人不知所措的;让人晕头转向的

A bewildering thing or situation is very confusing and difficult to understand or to make a decision about.


e.g. A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewildering array of interests...


e.g. The choice of excursions was bewildering.



The cast of characters in the scandal is bewilderingly large.

卷入丑闻的人多得让人眼花缭乱。bewildering 单语例句

1. It is bewildering they have left the installed equipment lying idle all year round.

2. To me, the word " reset " is a little bewildering.

3. China's auto rental business is a nascent service, with hundreds of companies waging a losing battle against bewildering regulations and shrinking margins.

4. Working from a bewildering tangle of existing roads, planners mapped a web of corridors where the national bicycle system should go.

5. A bewildering maze of aid and training programs in Afghanistan has had only mixed results since the ouster of the Taliban regime in 2001.

6. The first quarter's figure is bewildering considering a rise in the tax rate for foreign investment companies and in China's general labor cost.

7. What impressed us most was a sideboard with an almost bewildering array of condiments ranging from the traditional to the unconventional.

8. More vehicles rolled off recently expanded assembly lines and a bewildering array of new models hit the showrooms.

9. It is bewildering that almost all such restrictions were installed without proper procedures or convincing arguments.

10. It is bewildering why its football has regressed rather than progressed in the past two decades.