

tie:[英 [taɪ] 美 [taɪ] ]


过去式:tied;   过去分词:tied;   现在分词:tying;   复数形式:ties;

tie 基本解释

名词关系; 领带,绳子; 平局; 束缚,限制

及物动词(用线、绳等)系; (在线、绳上)打结; 连接; 与…成平局

不及物动词打结,系上; 平局; 被用带(或绳子等)系住

tie 同义词



tie 反义词



tie 相关词组

1. tie up : 阻碍, 密切联系;

2. tie in : 结合成一体, 相配, 有联系;

3. tie one on : 喝醉;

4. tie into : 猛烈进攻, 大吃, 猛击;

5. tie to : 依靠, 依赖;


tie 相关例句



1. Can you tie up this parcel for me?


2. Tie your shoes.


3. tie的反义词

3. She tied the ribbon in a bow.



1. The home team and the visitors tied.




1. She says the housework is a tie.


tie 网络解释

1. 打成平分:如果在规定时间里双方打成平分(tie),则要通过加时赛(overtime,用OT来表示)来决出高低. NBA 是1947年成立的,每一只球队有五名上场队员(players)上场(court),他们分别是两名前锋(forwards),两名后卫(guards)和一名中锋(center).

2. tie的翻译

2. 平手:每局 结束之后,若为平手(Tie),则押平手的赌客会获取高达八倍的理 赔. 如果,发牌之后,双方牌的总和数目小于六点,则由闲家开始补一 张牌,而庄家视闲家的牌决定是否要再补一张牌,当和超过六点之后,闲家与庄家即即开始比大小,

3. tie:toxicity identification evaluations; 毒性鉴别评价

4. tie:transport of intensity equation; 强度传递方程

5. tie:time interval error; 定时间隔误差tie

6. tie:theatre in education; 培育有兴趣教育剧场

tie 双语例句

1. tie是什么意思

1. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.


2. tie

2. She had student uniform rope bondage, a strict hogtie bondage, whole body ball tie, metal cuffs and Tiger`s bench.


3. In the first set, I was down 6-1 in the tie-break and I don`t really know how I came back to take the set.


4. tie什么意思

4. Five set points against you in that tie break?


5. tie是什么意思

5. The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember. Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis.


6. tie

6. No need to tie up your money for long periods of time.


7. Since 2001, shanghai petrifaction sale supplies a company to purchase the requirement that supplies reform of centralized management system in the light of Shanghai petrifaction goods and materials, the domain is purchased to begin efficiency in goods and materials censorial, its cut a point is education of base oneself upon, have sth in mind is on guard, aggrandizement monitoring, firm is caught investigate, want already from strengthen goods and materials to purchase business personnel clean-fingered self-discipline conduct propaganda teachs proceed with, want to have the tie of system of strict and impartial procurement control of goods and materials and working flow again, purchase goods and materials of regulations system standard to purchase operation behavior with goods and materials, at the same time aggrandizement goods and materials purchases measure of each link monitoring, achieve goods and materials to purchase thereby...


8. The freely movable ball joints (24, 28) coupling the tie down engaging elements (22, 26) to the body (12) and the handle (14) allow the binder to conform to the shape of the load and also prevent the tie down from twisting upon itself.


9. The reason is lack of unity in our class, there is no tie.


10. We still use MRV, but now as a tie breaker.


11. The company has excellent technology and good quality management system, with an annual output of 500, 000 meters yarn-dyed fabrics and tie the production capacity of 3 million.


12. On the band's last world tour he was sporting an extravagant moustache, a waistcoat and a bootlace tie like a gunslinger from Tombstone.


13. Catching the cicadas those could fly and have good vigilances is not easy, a lot of ways, the most interesting way wo did is to tie a horse tail hair that has a slipknot on the end of a thin bamboo pole, just like going fishing, the different is that cicada on tree and fish in the water, when catching, you should put the bamboo pole above the cicada carefully and slowly, and use the horse tail hair slipknot to tease the cicada, when the cicada put it's two front legs into the slipknot, raise the pole, the cicada would become your capture.


14. The bridge and floor slab diaphragms tie the three cores of the edifice together to form a monolithic structure, and the design was modeled and analyzed as such.


15. tie

15. In the 1976 World Series, Munson batted.529 and collected six consecutive hits to tie a World Series record set by Goose Goslin of the Washington Senators in 1925, .

1976年的世界大赛系列赛中,Munson打出。529打击率,并且连续击出6支安打,追平了华盛顿参议员队Goose Goslin在1925年所创下的世界大赛纪录。

16. Proenza Schouler a highly artistic sense of the use of tie-dye, animal resembles printing.

Proenza Schouler运用了极富艺术感的扎染,酷似动物印花。

17. Chongqing Municipal Public Branch Model Design Co., Ltd. is a model to tie down in manufacturing, industrial design, laser scanning company.


18. tie的近义词

18. Based on the theoretical study and simulation results, the high efficient bow-tie resonator for sum frequency generation is proposed and the preliminary experiment is carried out.

在理论计算和数值模拟的基础上,提出了用bow-tie 腔来实现高效率和频的方案,并进行了初步实验。

19. Jane: I`m going to pull your ears over your head and tie them into a knot.



20. There are also serious side (sonagraph will be a tie-breaker on the Mexican film La engages with a blank line in the past business card printing and membership card producers are often mistaken for seihan), also because of business card printing and membership card making ink ink film edge of the surface tension and the surface tension in the middle part of the low surface tension, innovativeink solocircumnavigation unsustainableboost to make the edge of the ink thickness.


tie 词典解释

1. 系;扣;捆;将…打成结

If you tie two things together or tie them, you fasten them together with a knot.

e.g. He tied the ends of the plastic bag together...


e.g. Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet.


2. (用绳索)捆扎,固定,系牢

If you tie something or someone in a particular place or position, you put them there and fasten them using rope or string.

e.g. He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal...


e.g. He tied her hands behind her back.


3. 用(绳子或布)捆扎

If you tie a piece of string or cloth around something or tie something with a piece of string or cloth, you put the piece of string or cloth around it and fasten the ends together.

e.g. She tied her scarf over her head...


e.g. Roll the meat and tie it with string...


4. 打(结或蝴蝶结);将…打成(结或蝴蝶结)

If you tie a knot or bow in something or tie something in a knot or bow, you fasten the ends together.

e.g. He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot...


e.g. She tied a knot in her scarf...


5. 打结系牢;扣结实

When you tie something or when something ties, you close or fasten it using a bow or knot.

e.g. He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces.


e.g. ...a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow.


6. 领带;领结

A tie is a long narrow piece of cloth that is worn round the neck under a shirt collar and tied in a knot at the front. Ties are worn mainly by men.

e.g. Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.


7. (使)紧密相连;(使)关系密切

If one thing is tied to another or two things are tied, the two things have a close connection or link.

e.g. Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure...


e.g. My social life and business life are closely tied.


8. 束缚;限制

If you are tied to a particular place or situation, you are forced to accept it and cannot change it.

e.g. They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays...


e.g. I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home.


9. 联系;关系

Ties are the connections you have with people or a place.

e.g. Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France...


e.g. I can't find any tie between her and the town...


10. 枕木;轨枕

Railroad ties are large heavy beams that support the rails of a railway track.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 sleepers

11. 得分相同;旗鼓相当

If two people tie in a competition or game or if they tie with each other, they have the same number of points or the same degree of success.


e.g. Both teams had tied on points and goal difference...


e.g. Ronan Rafferty had tied with Frank Nobilo.


12. (体育比赛的)淘汰赛

In sport, a tie is a match that is part of a competition. The losers leave the competition and the winners go on to the next round.

e.g. They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.


13. see also: tied;black tie;bow tie;old school tie. your hands are tied

-> see hand

to tie the knot -> see knot

to tie yourself in knots -> see knot

相关词组:tie downtie in withtie uptie up with

tie 单语例句

1. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English wouldn't he?

2. They will expect quickly to tie up terms with Mutu, who only last month was named club captain at Parma for the new season.

3. All the ice and snow made the event even more special as couples walked through the red carpet to tie the knot.

4. " This is certainly not an effort to tie anyone's hands, " Casey said.

5. Rat There might be a significant change today, so tie up loose ends and get ready for new opportunities.

6. " There's no change in our plan to tie up with Singapore Airlines, " Li said.

7. One feels more like he should be wearing a tie and conducting business than having a chat with a friend over a cup of Joe.

8. Chinese parents are genetically programmed to plan everything for their children, from extracurricular activities while in kindergarten to childbearing after you tie the knot.

9. The new proposal would only lift the ban for women who tie the headscarf under their chin in the traditional Turkish way.

10. Tie dumplings into bundles of 10 and thread onto a wooden spoon or thick chopstick.

tie 英英释义


1. a fastener that serves to join or connect

e.g. the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction

Synonym: linklinkuptie-in

2. neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front

e.g. he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie

he wore a vest and tie

Synonym: necktie

3. a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied

e.g. he needed a tie for the packages

4. a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating

e.g. he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam

Synonym: tie beam

5. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track

e.g. the British call a railroad tie a sleeper

Synonym: railroad tiecrosstiesleeper

6. (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch

indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value

7. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided

e.g. the game ended in a draw

their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie

Synonym: drawstandoff

8. a social or business relationship

e.g. a valuable financial affiliation

he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team

many close associations with England

Synonym: affiliationassociationtie-up

9. equality of score in a contest



1. form a knot or bow in

e.g. tie a necktie

2. limit or restrict to

e.g. I am tied to UNIX

These big jets are tied to large airports

3. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.

e.g. The teams drew a tie

Synonym: draw

4. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord

e.g. They tied their victim to the chair

Synonym: bind

5. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces

e.g. Can you connect the two loudspeakers?

Tie the ropes together

Link arms

Synonym: connectlinklink up

6. unite musical notes by a tie

7. make by tying pieces together

e.g. The fishermen tied their flies

8. perform a marriage ceremony

e.g. The minister married us on Saturday

We were wed the following week

The couple got spliced on Hawaii

Synonym: marrywedsplice

9. create social or emotional ties

e.g. The grandparents want to bond with the child

Synonym: bindattachbond