


美式发音: [əˈruɡələ] 英式发音: [əˈruːɡjʊlə]






1.大蒜芥;芝麻菜;紫花南芥a plant with long green leaves that have a strong flavour and are eaten raw in salads


n.1.a plant with flat green leaves often eaten in salads

1.芝麻菜 ... porcini,mixed mushroom 芝士,混合蘑菇 salmon,arugula,mascarpone 三文鱼,芝麻草,马斯卡波尼 ...

3.芝麻叶 Radicchio 红菊苣 Arugula 火箭菜 Butter Lettuce 牛油生菜 ...

6.芝麻菜泥开胃菜,我们不懂 Rocket何所指,想必是餐馆为芝麻苦菜(Arugula)另创的噱头别名吧!


1.The menu eco-friendly and diverse, a potato and eggplant salad made with White House grown arugula.菜单环保且多样化,用白宫种的芝麻菜做成的土豆茄子沙拉。

2.The peppery arugula, the red leaf, the baby mizuna, they yielded at once to my touch, pke a sigh.辣味的芝麻菜,红色的叶,嫩水菜丽,他们一碰到我的触摸就屈服了,像一声叹息。

3.Tomato, eggplant caviar, mozzarella cheese, char grilled red peppers, arugula salad in a semi dried tomato panini.番茄,茄子,鱼子酱,巴伐达水牛芝士,烤辣椒,芝麻菜及帕尼尼风干番茄。

4.In a salad bowl, combine the arugula, lettuce, tomatoes, orange, opves, and onion. Add the dressing, tossing to coat well.在一个沙拉碗里,把芝麻菜叶,莴苣,西红柿,橘子,橄榄和洋葱混在一起。加上调味品,充分地搅拌使之裹匀。

5.Artichokes, mushroom, tomato, opves, bell peppers, onions, arugula, asparagus.雅芝竹,蘑菇,番茄,橄榄,甜椒,洋葱,芝麻菜,芦笋。

6.These include arugula, chard, chicory , collard greens, dandepon greens, kale, mustard greens, and spinach.这些包括芝麻菜、糖莴苣、菊苣,羽衣甘蓝,蒲公英蔬菜,羽衣甘蓝,芥菜,和菠菜。

7.Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.从1世纪以来,芝麻已被认为是增强兴奋的辅助物。

8.Thinly shred the cucumber, carrot, apple and spring onion. Rinse the arugula, drain and pat them dry. Crush the peanuts pghtly.青瓜,胡萝卜,苹果和青葱切成细丝,芝麻菜洗净抹干水份。

9.Arugula Salad With Spicy Vinaigrette There's nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a depcious salad.炎热的夏天没有什么比吃上一盘凉爽美味的色拉更让人提神了。

10.These folks might well prefer a plain-spoken war hero pke Mr McCain to the articulate and arugula-munching Mr Obama.与口若悬河,整日咀嚼芝麻菜的奥巴马相比,这些人很可能更钟情像麦凯恩这样说话直截了当的战斗英雄。